Friday, July 28, 2006
Chapter 2D-Emotional Crisis
Emotional crisis is painful. The worst experiences of my life have dealt with emotional pain and not physical pain. I'm sure others can relate to whay I'm saying.
On the flip side emotional pleasure and satisfaction is what makes life worth living. Life without emotions would not be worth living.
We take risks and experience the joy, pleasure and satisfaction success brings. We work hard and earn the rewards we receive. We are competent in life and enjoy competition. We enjoy the struggle and the reward. We have no interest in getting something we have not earned through our own physical labors. This is the view point of a person that takes risks.
Perhaps we risk by asking someone out for a date. After many rejections we are accepted and dating someone we really like. Perhaps we even fall in love. Without the first risks and the first failures chances are we would never have been successful. Emotional rejections are very painful but they are also instructive if we can learn from them.
The negative aspect of this stage is powerful. We are confronted or placed in situations where our feet feel like lead weights, our heart is in our throats and we can't breathe. We feel fear to the point of being frozen. Despite this awkwardness of fear and discomfort we force ourselves to move forward, whether it be a task we fear or asking someone to marry us. The important point is we do not allow our fear to prevent us from doing the things required.
I like to think of a hungry lion stalking its prey. It is crouching in the tall grass and lying very still. Suddenly there is a deafening roar. Will the prey freeze with terror and make an easy meal or will the terror cause the prey to bolt for saftey with a life saving burst of speed? More to the point, what do we do with our terror?
I once worked security at a place where an infant fell into a swimming pool and couldn't swim. The mother was froze in terror and could not do anything. Fortunately another security guard immediately jumped in the pool and rescued the infant.
Life places us in situations where we will feel terror. It might not happen often but it will happen and how we react will depend upon our past habits, training and activities. The military has proven time after time that when the brain shuts down the physical body reverts to training. We need to seriously think about what kind of training we have.
By taking risks we develop the heart and will power to achieve in life. Working with emotional crisis develops what it takes to succeed in life.
We can only achieve joy, pleasure, and satisfaction by risking and acting in spite of personal fears and limitations. This is not being passive. In the first stage we were victims, in the second stage we learned from our mistakes. In this stage we deliberately go after what we want. We do this in spite of our inexperience, lack of knowledge and fears.
We are clumsy and crude in our attempts. We may or may not succeed but we have the heart and will power that allows us to eventually succeed. We believe in ourselves enough to overcome whatever obstacles may occur in time. It is our faith in ourselves and our connection to the Master Within that allows us to go forward into new and strange situations with confidence and determination. Our desire is stronger than our fear.
Earlier parts of this chapter dealt with spiritual and mental crisis. What I was trying to show is how we begin as observers and gradually try things our for ourselves. We are observers simply because we don't have any control of the situation or experience and are stuck in it.
Think of the newborn baby that has no physical control over his or her body yet. All they can do is observe. Think of the frustration young children feel when they can't do something they want to do.
Our contact with the Master Within and our creative power started at the spiritual level and then transferred to the mental level. That is where we learned what we wanted to do. The emotional part comes when we try to act upon our desires.
Desire meets physical reality! What an exciting place to be if we can make it work.
OAK:Modern Survivalism is Today's Leader in Modern Survivalism. Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?
Anarchistic Knights-a serialadventure is a fiction story based upon survivalism values and principles. Survivalism is not fiction! It is real and the challenges we face in today's world require self empowerment training.
OAK:Foundations-a serialadventure gives the basics for modern survivalism and self empowerment techniques. Empower yourself today!
Anarchistic Knights Fan Site is where readers can share reviews and comments about Tobal and his friends. Comments are always appreciated. Checkit out! Read what others are saying!
OAK:Tarot of Love and Romance is about the energy dynamics of love and human relationships. Why love sparks and why it sometimes dies. Can any of us really survive without love?
OAK:Magister Templi shows how modern science and chaos theory are compatable with advanced metaphysical concepts. Science is not in conflict with paranormal and supernatural activity.
OAK:Magick,Mystery and Madness is my own personal book of shadows. If you are interested in magick and energy work this is the place!
Today's suggested survivalism site is:
is the premier Health and Fitness resource on the web! They have the World's Most Effective Methods for High Performance, Radiant Health and Peace of Mind.
Technorati Tags : survivalism, relationships, self, help, spirituality, occult, self, improvement, opinion, health, fitness, xtreme, sports
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Chapter 2C-Mental Crisis
At this stage of working with mental energy we learn from past experiences and are able to mentally remain in the situation. Our awareness has enough power and flexibility to understand how our physical actions have brought us to where we are. We understand our part in being responsible for what happens to us. There is no longer the need to "remove" ourselves from the situation even if it is unpleasant. This is an important part of the law of cause and effect. Our every action brings some type of result and natural consequence.
This is what most understand as mastery of life. Our mental web of associated thoughts has become sophisticated enough that we adapt it successfully to a wide variety of physical situations. We develop a lifestyle that appears to get us the things we want in life. Few people ever go beyond this stage. If it works, don't fix it, seems to be the motto.
Increased contact with the Master Within and the voice of our conscience allows us to learn from our successes and our mistakes. In the beginning we can't foresee and avoid mistakes but we can learn from the final outcome. Each failure brings greater knowledge and awareness of the issues involved and the realities behind them. Each attempt is the result of our dreams and desires confronting physical reality. For things to manifest in life they must be in harmony with physical reality.
We understand the importance of risk taking. If we do not take risks and try new things we remain where we are. Many people are afraid and attempt only things they have a proven ability to do. It is easy to play it safe except when nature or God/dess decides to interfere in our placid, boring life and liven it up a bit. Both God/dess and nature intend life to be an exploration and adventure. This includes experiencing as many things as possible both good and bad.
The struggle to adapt to new life conditions and the satisfaction of personal achievement is rewarded by both nature and physical life. The rewards go to those that take the risks and succeed.
The human condition will not accept unrelenting boredom and will create crisis just to make life interesting. Consider how important choosing an exciting and interesting life can be. Our days can be full of excitement, not crisis. To do this we must take the risks involved in making our dreams come true.
OAK is Today's Leader in Modern Survivalism
Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive.
Anarchistic Knights-a serialadventure is a fiction story based upon survivalism values and principles.
Survivalism is not fiction! It is real and the challenges we face in today's world require self empowerment training.
OAK:Foundations-a serialadventure gives the basics for modern survivalism and self empowerment techniques.
Anarchistic Knights Fan Site is where readers can share reviews and comments about Tobal and his friends. Comments are always appreciated. Check it out!
OAK:Tarot of Love and Romance is about the energy dynamics of love and human relationships. Why love sparks and why it sometimes dies. Can any of us really survive without love?
Today's suggested survivalism site is:
Functional Strength - Endurance - Explosive Power - Trigger your warrior instinct with The Warrior Workout Video with Ori Hofmekler! click here
Technorati Tags : survivalism, relationships, self, help, spirituality, occult, self, improvement, opinion, health, fitness, xtreme, sports
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Chapter 2B-Spiritual Crisis
When we first tap into creative power and spiritual energy it does the best it can but is not able to alter physical events. This first contact with the Master Within involves abstract spiritual energy and in times of peace and relaxation offers us a feeling of peace and love. It also comforts us in our time of need. This is where we find calmness and center ourselves.
In times of crisis such as physical abuse, rape, robbery, or accident this same contact takes our mind and awareness away from our physical body as an act of mercy and it seems what is happening to our physical body is happening to someone else, to a stranger and not to us. Our awareness retreats far back into a safe place provided by the Master Within. We are physically passive and defenseless; we are a victim and can only watch helplessly at things we can do nothing about.
Later we tap into concrete spiritual energy and experience intuitive illuminations and "hunches" on the best way to tackle problem or situations. This is a type of intuitive knowing.
Our culture has chosen to give importance to the "illumination" aspect and minimize or ignore the "victim" aspect of these first contacts with the inner creative power. The important point is we all start with a zero balance of this creative power and as we reach in and tap our own source we accumulate a reserve. We accumulate more of this creative power by successfully confronting obstacles and by spiritual "disciplines" such as meditation.
Spiritual Energy is that level of awareness where everything works and the world is alright. It is where we feel in control of our lives at the highest level. The Rosicrucians call this awareness "The Master Within".
"The Master Within" speaks to us through the still small voice of our conscience if we will listen to it and trust it. The more we listen to it, the more it will speak. The more we trust it, the more it can be trusted.
When we refuse to listen to the voice of our conscience it will quit trying to contact us.
OAK is Today's Leader in Modern Survivalism
Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive.
Anarchistic Knights-a serialadventure is a fiction story based upon survivalism values and principles.
Survivalism is not fiction! It is real and the challenges we face in today's world require self empowerment training.
OAK:Foundations-a serialadventure gives the basics for modern survivalism and self empowerment techniques.
Anarchistic Knights Fan Site is where readers can share reviews and comments about Tobal and his friends. Comments are always appreciated. Check it out!
OAK:Tarot of Love and Romance is about the energy dynamics of love and human relationships. Why love sparks and why it sometimes dies. Can any of us really survive without love?
Today's suggested survivalism site is:
DragonDoor is the premier Health and Fitness resource on the web! They have the World's Most Effective Methods for High Performance, Radiant Health and Peace of Mind.
Technorati Tags : survivalism, relationships, self, help, spirituality, occult, self, improvement, opinion, health, fitness, xtreme, sports
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Chapter 2A-Taking Risks
The chances are that our vision of mastery includes the ability to accomplish physical goals we were born to do. We feel spiritual strength should overcome barriers that block us. For this reason we concentrate on spiritual things to the exclusion of physical realities and limitations. We attempt to build reserves of spiritual strength to help us in our times of need.
We have been taught and we believe to the point we no longer question. We are taught the superiority of spirit over physical and taught to deny the physical in favor of the spiritual. Perhaps you have heard the phrase "So heavenly bound they are no earthly good". Let's take a closer look and see what is really happening. We will find the physical and spiritual are not to be so easily separated and each one has need of the other.
Each of us has individual past memories and experiences we draw upon. Each of us has a system of beliefs tailored to us individually. They may not be appropriate for someone else. We all walk individual paths.
These memories , experiences, and beliefs create a web or network within our psyche that allows us to travel consciously from point A to point B. We solve problems that confront us by reasoning or traveling this web or network until we arrive at the desired destination and solution.
OAK is Today's Leader in Modern Survivalism
Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive.
Anarchistic Knights-a serialadventure is a fiction story based upon survivalism values and principles.
Survivalism is not fiction! It is real and the challenges we face in today's world require self empowerment training.
OAK:Foundations-a serialadventure gives the basics for modern survivalism and self empowerment techniques.
Anarchistic Knights Fan Site is where readers can share reviews and comments about Tobal and his friends. Comments are always appreciated. Check it out!
OAK:Tarot of Love and Romance is about the energy dynamics of love and human relationships. Why love sparks and why it sometimes dies. Can any of us really survive without love?
Today's suggested survivalism site is:
Beyond Bodybuilding is a masterplan to eliminate those cheap, cosmetic, skin-deep looks… and move to strength-from-the-inside-out. Experience a new level of confidence as your power does the talking for you….
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Technorati Tags : survivalism, relationships, self, help, spirituality, occult, self, improvement, opinion, health, fitness, xtreme, sports
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Chapter 1M-Fueling Our Dreams
OAK is Today's Leader in Modern Survivalism
Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive.
Anarchistic Knights-a serialadventure is a fiction story based upon survivalism values and principles.
Survivalism is not fiction! It is real and the challenges we face in today's world require self empowerment training.
OAK:Foundations-a serialadventure gives the basics for modern survivalism and self empowerment techniques.
Anarchistic Knights Fan Site is where readers can share reviews and comments about Tobal and his friends. Comments are always appreciated. Check it out!
Today's suggested survivalism site is:
is the premier Health and Fitness resource on the web! They have the World's Most Effective Methods for High Performance, Radiant Health and Peace of Mind. These are the supermen and superwomen of the future! -anarchistbanjo
Technorati Tags : survivalism, relationships, self, help, spirituality, occult, self, improvement, opinion, health, fitness, xtreme, sports
Friday, July 07, 2006
Chapter 1L-The Sponge Method
Living intensely means to drain out every drop of vitality during the day and recharge at night while we are sleeping.
This is like a sponge that soaks up water and then releases it when it is squeezed. At first we are like dirty sponges that are so clogged with toxins and debris that we can't hold much water. Maybe we can only contain 5% of our true potential.
Through repeated emptying and absorbing these toxins and debris are flushed out and we can hold more energy. This is the function of our physical bodies. Our physical bodies can both generate energy and store it. Even more exciting is when we reach the point of clarity where we can absorb energy from the universe and from our environment!
This happens when we have worked with a particular energy long enough to master it. We have created a permanent astral body out of that energy and it will sustain itself by drawing on its own resources.
Having the solitude and safe harbor to regenerate is just as important as the need to completely empty ourselves.
We need to protect ourselves from people and events that drain our energy. At least until we are recharged again. This cycle of ebb and flow is natural and found in nature as well as magikal practices.
When we are fullly charged we focus that energy on the desired project or goal and release it. If we are strong enough the desired outcome will manifest. If we are not strong enough we will simply have removed some of the obstacles making it easier for us to progress next time.
Tags: health, fitness, opinion, spirituality, survivalism, relationships, self help, occultself improvement, xtreme sports
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Survivalism and Self Empowerment in today's world is everyone's personal choice. OAK brings you the technology you need to survive!
Check out these interesting sites! OAK:A Modern Mystery School ,
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Much of the OAK material was developed through my own years of research. I feel very fortunate to find Dragon Door. Their knowledge is a natural companion to OAK.
These people are living examples of survivalism!
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Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Chapter 1K-The Shock Absorber Method
In reading through Pavel Tsatsouline's books on flexability and health I was struck by a powerful integration!
He claimed we already have all the muscle we need but we only use 5 or 10 % of what is available to us. Does that sound familiar?
He goes on to say the mother that lifts a car to save the life of her baby is not doing it through emotional strength or magickal levitation. She is simply using "all" of her muscle strength.
Apparently only 5 or 10% of the muscles we use have nerves firing and making them work. The trick is to get the nerves firing on the other 90-95%!
The Russian Kettlebell acts to do this through the process of "ballistic shock". The entire body absorbs the shock during a kettlebell workout and by spreading the impact throughout the body helps more of the nerves to fire. In my opinion this is why kettlebells are so effective.
If we apply the same concept to our mind and thought processes it's pretty clear that the analogy still holds true. If we want to use more of our mental ability we need to fire those nerves through some form of "ballistic shock". Perhaps it might be the exposure to a radical new idea?
This shock absorber method is unique in that just a few "shocks" a day get better results than a steady "grind". The trick is to get more nerves to fire and then let them rest and recuperate till next time.
We can apply this concept to all the energies generated by the physical body. Living intensely means to create "spikes" or "shocks" throughout the day with each of the energies. This involves planning and living a balanced life that has a bit of everything in it.
What happens is that the physical body becomes filled to overflowing with energy and can no longer contain it. The energy is then released into the astral through one of the bodies "energy centers" or "chakras". We can feel the energy release when it happens.
In athletics this is called getting the "second wind". But we can experience it with all of the other energies generated by the physical body.
Tags: survivalism, relationships, self help, spirituality, occult, self improvement, opinion, health, fitness, xtreme sports
Remember to check out OAK:A Modern Mystery School , Anarchistic Knights-a serialadventure , Anarchistic Knights Fan Site for more information on modern day survivalism.
OAK is your premier source for modern day survivalism technology!
I'm serious about these products! Are you?
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Monday, July 03, 2006
Chapter 1J-Intense Living
As you can see there are several types of charisma that can be developed. Each type has its own characteristics and brings its own rewards. Our goal should be to develop each type of energy by doing activities that develop those energies on a daily basis. All of our personal efforts are progressive and cumulative. Energy that we physically generate belongs only to us and can be used only by us.
The goal should be putting out intense effort for at least 1/2 hour every day if possible. More than two hours of intense effort is too much. This should be done with each type of energy.
For developing Etheric energy we should do some type of aerobic excercise. Do something you really enjoy. Ideally you will stress the body until you get the "second wind" sensation. When this happens the generated energy bursts free of the physical body and is going into the astral planes. You can also stress the physical body by doing breathing excercises but this should be done with extreme care.
Sexual energy is developed through the control and exploration of human sexuality and orgasm. Learning to control orgasm and make sexual pleasure last brings great pleasure to both partners and is worth learning. The time spent brings great rewards and personal satisfaction. Too many people do not enjoy their own sexuality.
Lower emotional energy is best developed by confronting anger, fear and depression and transforming them into determination and resolve.Find a way to use them in a creative and constructive manner.
Take some risks and do some thrill seeking to develop the upper emotional energies. We create crisis in our lives if we do not have enough excitement. By deliberately planning for excitement we take away the need for much of the crisis we face daily.
Love, honor, patriotism, these are not things to laugh at. They are very important upper emotional energies as well. Find a cause to believe in and act upon it! Stand up for what you believe.
One of the greatest pleasures in life is to learn new things. Everyday if possible we should make a point to expand the world we live in by learning something new that we didn't know before. This type of learning develops the awareness of our environment and strengthens our mental concrete energy.
Debate and philosophical arguement strengthens our minds and our wills. Through practice we develop persistence and the ability to return our focus to what we are doing. If we allow ourselve to be side tracked we will never achieve the things we want in life. Mental discipline and will power is vital.
The resolution of paradox and problem solving allows us to think outside the box and make quantum leaps in awareness. These leaps in awareness are what breaks us out of old non productive programming. Many people enjoy working puzzles and finding solutions.
Prayer and mediation every day can center us and bring us health and peace of mind. As we listen to the still small voice of our conscience we learn the all important task of loving ourselves. If we can't love ourselves how can we love others?
Lastly, we are all part of the great collective soul of humanity and part of the earth as well. How can we harm someone else without harming ourselves? In truth we are all in this together.
We monitor the development of these energies through our dreams. Our dream life is a form of astral work that reflects physical life. When we are happy and empowered in our dreams we are happy and empowered in our physical lives. Each dream involves a specific type of astral energy and represents our stage of development with that particular energy.
Tags: adventure, books, books on line, ebooks, survivalism, relationships, self help, spirituality, occult, astral travel, self improvement, opinion, out of body, health and fitness, xtreme sports, extreme sports, neo-tech, objectivism
Remember to check out these great sites! OAK:A Modern Mystery School ,
Anarchistic Knights-a serialadventure , Anarchistic Knights Fan Site
There is no doubt in my mind that Dragon Door Publications has the most cutting edge health and fitness technology in the world! I wish I knew this information years ago. Fortunately I know about it now!
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Saturday, July 01, 2006
Chapter 1I-Etheric Energy
Etheric energy is physical based energy. It comes through our physical connections with others and through physical exertion.
This is the energy that forms bonds between our parents, our siblings and others we love deeply. We form bonds that are so strong we couldn't break them if we tried.
When these bonds are supportive and positive nothing in the world can prevent us from achieving our goals in life. Those that love us give us support and encouragement through the tough times and rejoice with us when we succeed. They share in our joy and we share in their joy. They share in our sorrow and we share in their sorrow. As a united force working collectively toward a common goal we are able to overcome all obstacles and achieve great things. That at least is the ideal situation. This is what family can do for us!
When these bonds are abusive and negative it is impossible to achieve permanent happiness and satisfaction in life. These same people and bonds drain us of our will and lower our self esteem. We become ineffective in our lives and doomed to struggle much harder than others. Our every effort toward happiness is sabotaged by self defeating tendencies within us and within those we love.
There is a paradox at work here because we need supportive family when we are young and still maturing. As we mature and it becomes time to leave the nest we need to leave family behind to start new families of our own. This is true in the animal kingdom and also true in human society.
We find this same dynamic within other "families" that we may belong to. As an example we may aspire to become a professional writer and join the local writers group. This family will support us as we mature in our writing ability but it will never allow us to become professional. When our writing skills are mature we need to leave the local family and enter into the professional writing world seeking our own readership on our own merits.
Etheric energy involves competency and the ability to manifest things in the physical world through personal effort. This energy is never free. We need to earn it.
There are two ways we can develop this energy and use it to achieve positive results. The first is through hard physical work. Hard physical work generates etheric energy and creates a powerful body that can withstand the abuses we subject it to.
The physical act of "doing" successfully overwhelms those influences that say "you can't do". In this manner we physically prove to those that don't believe in us that we have the ability to achieve. Their resistance is overcome through the sheer intensity of our physical effort. By trial and error we develop competency through personal effort. We earn our rewards.
The second way to develop etheric energy is by going through psychotherapy or counseling to explore and bring into awareness the self-destructive aspects we all have.
In this manner we confront those issues and come to terms with them. We learn to act in a more appropriate manner. Doing this releases trapped and repressed energy allowing us to make productive use of it.
The first method is to generate new energy through physical effort. This second method is to reclaim energy that we already have but can't use because it has been repressed. Both are important in the process of self-empowerment.
The person that has highly developed etheric energy forms deep bonds of attachment everywhere he goes and is deeply loved by close personal friends. He is able to physically manifest things in life through hard work.
His friends are highly supportive of him and he is highly supportive of them. The magnetic charm and attraction he possesses lets others know he will always be there if they need him. This is a person that can be counted on. This is a person strong in themselves and their ability to live a productive life. They are highly competent.
Tags: adventure, books, ebooks, books on line, survivalism, relationships, self help, spirituality, occult, astral travel, serialadventures, self improvement, opinion, out of body, health and fitness, xtreme sports, extreme sports, neo-tech, objectivism
Remember to check out these great sites! OAK:A Modern Mystery School ,
Anarchistic Knights-a serialadventure , Anarchistic Knights Fan Site
Your body's metabolism not exactly what you would like it to be? This book shows you how to make your body's metabolism work for you and not against you!
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