Friday, July 07, 2006
Chapter 1L-The Sponge Method
Living intensely means to drain out every drop of vitality during the day and recharge at night while we are sleeping.
This is like a sponge that soaks up water and then releases it when it is squeezed. At first we are like dirty sponges that are so clogged with toxins and debris that we can't hold much water. Maybe we can only contain 5% of our true potential.
Through repeated emptying and absorbing these toxins and debris are flushed out and we can hold more energy. This is the function of our physical bodies. Our physical bodies can both generate energy and store it. Even more exciting is when we reach the point of clarity where we can absorb energy from the universe and from our environment!
This happens when we have worked with a particular energy long enough to master it. We have created a permanent astral body out of that energy and it will sustain itself by drawing on its own resources.
Having the solitude and safe harbor to regenerate is just as important as the need to completely empty ourselves.
We need to protect ourselves from people and events that drain our energy. At least until we are recharged again. This cycle of ebb and flow is natural and found in nature as well as magikal practices.
When we are fullly charged we focus that energy on the desired project or goal and release it. If we are strong enough the desired outcome will manifest. If we are not strong enough we will simply have removed some of the obstacles making it easier for us to progress next time.
Tags: health, fitness, opinion, spirituality, survivalism, relationships, self help, occultself improvement, xtreme sports
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Today's personal choice:
Much of the OAK material was developed through my own years of research. I feel very fortunate to find Dragon Door. Their knowledge is a natural companion to OAK.
These people are living examples of survivalism!
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