Thursday, July 13, 2006
Chapter 2B-Spiritual Crisis
When we first tap into creative power and spiritual energy it does the best it can but is not able to alter physical events. This first contact with the Master Within involves abstract spiritual energy and in times of peace and relaxation offers us a feeling of peace and love. It also comforts us in our time of need. This is where we find calmness and center ourselves.
In times of crisis such as physical abuse, rape, robbery, or accident this same contact takes our mind and awareness away from our physical body as an act of mercy and it seems what is happening to our physical body is happening to someone else, to a stranger and not to us. Our awareness retreats far back into a safe place provided by the Master Within. We are physically passive and defenseless; we are a victim and can only watch helplessly at things we can do nothing about.
Later we tap into concrete spiritual energy and experience intuitive illuminations and "hunches" on the best way to tackle problem or situations. This is a type of intuitive knowing.
Our culture has chosen to give importance to the "illumination" aspect and minimize or ignore the "victim" aspect of these first contacts with the inner creative power. The important point is we all start with a zero balance of this creative power and as we reach in and tap our own source we accumulate a reserve. We accumulate more of this creative power by successfully confronting obstacles and by spiritual "disciplines" such as meditation.
Spiritual Energy is that level of awareness where everything works and the world is alright. It is where we feel in control of our lives at the highest level. The Rosicrucians call this awareness "The Master Within".
"The Master Within" speaks to us through the still small voice of our conscience if we will listen to it and trust it. The more we listen to it, the more it will speak. The more we trust it, the more it can be trusted.
When we refuse to listen to the voice of our conscience it will quit trying to contact us.
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