Saturday, July 01, 2006


Chapter 1I-Etheric Energy

Etheric energy is physical based energy. It comes through our physical connections with others and through physical exertion.

This is the energy that forms bonds between our parents, our siblings and others we love deeply. We form bonds that are so strong we couldn't break them if we tried.

When these bonds are supportive and positive nothing in the world can prevent us from achieving our goals in life. Those that love us give us support and encouragement through the tough times and rejoice with us when we succeed. They share in our joy and we share in their joy. They share in our sorrow and we share in their sorrow. As a united force working collectively toward a common goal we are able to overcome all obstacles and achieve great things. That at least is the ideal situation. This is what family can do for us!

When these bonds are abusive and negative it is impossible to achieve permanent happiness and satisfaction in life. These same people and bonds drain us of our will and lower our self esteem. We become ineffective in our lives and doomed to struggle much harder than others. Our every effort toward happiness is sabotaged by self defeating tendencies within us and within those we love.

There is a paradox at work here because we need supportive family when we are young and still maturing. As we mature and it becomes time to leave the nest we need to leave family behind to start new families of our own. This is true in the animal kingdom and also true in human society.

We find this same dynamic within other "families" that we may belong to. As an example we may aspire to become a professional writer and join the local writers group. This family will support us as we mature in our writing ability but it will never allow us to become professional. When our writing skills are mature we need to leave the local family and enter into the professional writing world seeking our own readership on our own merits.

Etheric energy involves competency and the ability to manifest things in the physical world through personal effort. This energy is never free. We need to earn it.

There are two ways we can develop this energy and use it to achieve positive results. The first is through hard physical work. Hard physical work generates etheric energy and creates a powerful body that can withstand the abuses we subject it to.

The physical act of "doing" successfully overwhelms those influences that say "you can't do". In this manner we physically prove to those that don't believe in us that we have the ability to achieve. Their resistance is overcome through the sheer intensity of our physical effort. By trial and error we develop competency through personal effort. We earn our rewards.

The second way to develop etheric energy is by going through psychotherapy or counseling to explore and bring into awareness the self-destructive aspects we all have.

 In this manner we confront those issues and come to terms with them. We learn to act in a more appropriate manner. Doing this releases trapped and repressed energy allowing us to make productive use of it.

The first method is to generate new energy through physical effort. This second method is to reclaim energy that we already have but can't use because it has been repressed. Both are important in the process of self-empowerment.

The person that has highly developed etheric energy forms deep bonds of attachment everywhere he goes and is deeply loved by close personal friends. He is able to physically manifest things in life through hard work.

His friends are highly supportive of him and he is highly supportive of them. The magnetic charm and attraction he possesses lets others know he will always be there if they need him. This is a person that can be counted on. This is a person strong in themselves and their ability to live a productive life. They are highly competent.

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