Sunday, January 28, 2007
Chapter 20 Dream Vehicles and Weapons
In the physical world it is difficult to accurately judge all of the important factors in a situation. Some things never go as planned and a few things defy rational explanation. This is because of the hidden factors that are hard to determine as well as the human factors of strength of will, character and determination.
We can be as objective and materialistic as possible and entirely misjudge a person or a situation. In the end it matters just as much what is in the heart of a person. How much resolve, determination, and will to live the person has.
These factors do not express themselves within the physical world but they do express themselves in the dream world or the astral world. In our dreams we find ourselves in situations that relate to significant areas in our physical life. Each dream involves a particular type of energy and weakens us or strengthens us in that type of energy.
By monitoring our dreams we can determine if we are gaining power or loosing power. Each dream is an accurate reflection of the situation as it exists exactly at the time of the dream. At waking hours the situation may have altered in some fashion but probably not significantly.
Positive outcomes are liberating and expansive in nature. They indicate the flow of energy is favorable to us and we are gaining in personal power over that energy or situation. It may take twenty dreams over the space of one year to resolve a contested astral situation and determine a final outcome. Continued conflict leads to recurring dreams.
Negative outcomes are restrictive and confining in nature. They indicate the flow of energy is against us and the final outcome will be less than we hope it to be. We are loosing power in this type of dream. There is an area in life where we are not as effective as we were before.
At the time of the dream a new astral connection is made or an old one is severed. This alters the circuitry within the astral and a current will flow through the dream until a new point of equilibrium is established. Dammed up energy will be released as an energy exchange within the dream. When the energy flow stops the dream ends. This energy will either flow for us or against us depending upon our own level of energy.
Our dream bodies or astral bodies indicate in a general way the level of power we have at the time. Dreams are very symbolic and individual but certain things are fairly standard in the way they appear in dreams.
If we appear grotesque, wounded or distorted within the dream it indicates a serious loss of energy and lack of control within a particular situation in life. We have no control in these dreams and in the areas of life that they represent. We are acted upon or reactive instead of acting on others. This includes dreams in which people appear as animals like cows, horses, wolves...ect.
When we appear naked in a dream we have enough energy reserves to function and survive but not enough to alter events within the dream or in the life situations they represent. We are able to barely hold on to our humanity. The actions in these dreams are compulsive, instinctual and generally beyond our conscious awareness. We are merely participants or machines. Our nakedness indicates we are weak and vulnerable. It does not mean anything sexually in the generally understood manner.
To have clothing indicates we have risen above the purely instinctual level of energy and that a certain amount of awareness is available. To have clothing is a sign of empowerment and of energy reserves. We can exist and modify our environment to a degree.
The type of clothing is symbolic of the energy within the dream and of the situation in life it reflects. In a general way the closer the clothing matches what we currently wear the more power and influence we have in the situation it reflects.
If the clothing is out of place, being inappropriate for our current lifestyle it indicates we are working on unresolved issues from out of the past that were repressed long ago. In this type of dream it is important we are getting empowered within the dream and not being weakened. To become weakened in this type of dream is to withdraw even more in physical life. It means a going backwards. To become empowered means a form of healing is taking place.
The next empowerment step beyond clothing is to have a weapon or tool of some sort. A knife seems to be quite common in my own experience.
A knife in a dream indicates a surplus of energy. If we have a weapon we will also have clothing.
A weapon like a knife indicates the ability to manipulate the outcome of the dream in some manner. This means using our energy reserve and attempting to make the energy flow in a manner favorable to us. Put in other terms we might find ourselves in some type of astral battle or duel and using our knife or weapon to defend ourselves. We need to defend ourselves to keep the energy flowing in the same direction. There is a threat the energy flow will be reversed.
In dreams we do not fight inanimate objects. Inanimate objects reflect physical obstacles that we must somehow get around. Anything we end up fighting is animate and indicates the opposing force of another individual, often someone close to us or perhaps even ourselves. The monster we fight in dreams is either someone else functioning in a very distorted manner and affecting our physical lives or it is a part of our own inner self that we are in denial about, a part that is also affecting our physical life.
Is the dream empowering and expansive or is it restrictive and making us helpless victims. In any case it is an accurate reflection of a certain energy and situation in our physical life. Are we being healed or victimized in the dream experience?
Weapons such as guns, grenades and bombs represent very large energy reserves that can be tapped to influence the direction of energy flow within the dream. These dream weapons are so powerful they can even be projected and used at a distance. In the dream we can shoot someone or something without being close to it. A knife battle involves hand to hand combat that is more desperate.
While it is a sign of empowerment to have a weapon in a dream the natural consequence is to find ourself in situations where we need to use it. In life there is a competition for things. By using our energy reserves to make the current flow in a favorable direction someone else is suffering an energy reversal and they will astrally come to discover what the problem is and try to correct it. They desire what we desire. This causes an astral duel or confrontation. As a person's power increases these duels can become more frightening because of the intensity of the forces involved.
In a recent dream someone shot me in the chest and blew my chest wide open. Whoever this person was they had a tremendous energy reserve available. My own reserves were even greater because I merely healed myself and didn't even bother to attack the other person. There was no need to. With that shot he had expended his energy reserves and was no threat to me. My ability to heal proved the energy would continue to flow as I intended it.
There was a time for about two years when I was constantly being challenged in some type of astral duel and having to fight. In later years as my reserve of power has grown such encounters have become very rare. In one dream I took someone's knife away from them, broke the blade and handed the knife back.
What this tells me is my ability to act and influence astral events is not really challenged by many people and is in fact supported by many that do believe in me and what I am trying to do in my life. This empowerment is reflected in physical life as a growing sense of accomplishment and recognition from others. Each day brings me a little closer to my goals in life and that progress makes me happy.
Vehicles indicate another type of power, the power to influence the environment. With a weapon we confront the opposition of individuals in our lives. With vehicles we gain mobility within the environment itself. A dream vehicle indicates personal power over the physical obstacles that confront us. It symbolizes that we are in control and moving toward our goals. Loss or damage to our dream vehicle indicates a threat or loss of control in a situation we were previously strong in. The physical realities of the situation have somehow changed and the dream reflects the new dynamics of the situation. We are no longer moving toward our goal.
I've noticed some of my dream vehicles were from past periods of my life as I worked through repressed issues and gained control over them. Each vehicle reflected an issue of my past that I had repressed.
It seemed that once I had developed such a vehicle it was quite easy to modernize it. I had overcome the obstacles of the past and was now ready to confront the obstacles of the present.
I am a truck driver and current dreams of vehicles tend to be of my own truck. This indicates the issues in my dreams reflect current issues and not issues from from the past returning to haunt me.
Occasionally I am riding in someone else's vehicle as a passenger or perhaps even driving. I believe this type of dream represents a joining of forces and a cooperative effort with someone else to achieve some mutual goal we both wish for. These are often of an empowering nature and reflect personal growth and empowerment. The joining of forces in the most empowering type of dream there is. Some sexual types of dreams are variations of cooperative efforts at the astral level.
Foundations Technorati Tags : survivalism, relationships, self, help, spirituality, occult, self, improvement, opinion, health, fitness, xtreme, sports
We can be as objective and materialistic as possible and entirely misjudge a person or a situation. In the end it matters just as much what is in the heart of a person. How much resolve, determination, and will to live the person has.
These factors do not express themselves within the physical world but they do express themselves in the dream world or the astral world. In our dreams we find ourselves in situations that relate to significant areas in our physical life. Each dream involves a particular type of energy and weakens us or strengthens us in that type of energy.
By monitoring our dreams we can determine if we are gaining power or loosing power. Each dream is an accurate reflection of the situation as it exists exactly at the time of the dream. At waking hours the situation may have altered in some fashion but probably not significantly.
Positive outcomes are liberating and expansive in nature. They indicate the flow of energy is favorable to us and we are gaining in personal power over that energy or situation. It may take twenty dreams over the space of one year to resolve a contested astral situation and determine a final outcome. Continued conflict leads to recurring dreams.
Negative outcomes are restrictive and confining in nature. They indicate the flow of energy is against us and the final outcome will be less than we hope it to be. We are loosing power in this type of dream. There is an area in life where we are not as effective as we were before.
At the time of the dream a new astral connection is made or an old one is severed. This alters the circuitry within the astral and a current will flow through the dream until a new point of equilibrium is established. Dammed up energy will be released as an energy exchange within the dream. When the energy flow stops the dream ends. This energy will either flow for us or against us depending upon our own level of energy.
Our dream bodies or astral bodies indicate in a general way the level of power we have at the time. Dreams are very symbolic and individual but certain things are fairly standard in the way they appear in dreams.
If we appear grotesque, wounded or distorted within the dream it indicates a serious loss of energy and lack of control within a particular situation in life. We have no control in these dreams and in the areas of life that they represent. We are acted upon or reactive instead of acting on others. This includes dreams in which people appear as animals like cows, horses, wolves...ect.
When we appear naked in a dream we have enough energy reserves to function and survive but not enough to alter events within the dream or in the life situations they represent. We are able to barely hold on to our humanity. The actions in these dreams are compulsive, instinctual and generally beyond our conscious awareness. We are merely participants or machines. Our nakedness indicates we are weak and vulnerable. It does not mean anything sexually in the generally understood manner.
To have clothing indicates we have risen above the purely instinctual level of energy and that a certain amount of awareness is available. To have clothing is a sign of empowerment and of energy reserves. We can exist and modify our environment to a degree.
The type of clothing is symbolic of the energy within the dream and of the situation in life it reflects. In a general way the closer the clothing matches what we currently wear the more power and influence we have in the situation it reflects.
If the clothing is out of place, being inappropriate for our current lifestyle it indicates we are working on unresolved issues from out of the past that were repressed long ago. In this type of dream it is important we are getting empowered within the dream and not being weakened. To become weakened in this type of dream is to withdraw even more in physical life. It means a going backwards. To become empowered means a form of healing is taking place.
The next empowerment step beyond clothing is to have a weapon or tool of some sort. A knife seems to be quite common in my own experience.
A knife in a dream indicates a surplus of energy. If we have a weapon we will also have clothing.
A weapon like a knife indicates the ability to manipulate the outcome of the dream in some manner. This means using our energy reserve and attempting to make the energy flow in a manner favorable to us. Put in other terms we might find ourselves in some type of astral battle or duel and using our knife or weapon to defend ourselves. We need to defend ourselves to keep the energy flowing in the same direction. There is a threat the energy flow will be reversed.
In dreams we do not fight inanimate objects. Inanimate objects reflect physical obstacles that we must somehow get around. Anything we end up fighting is animate and indicates the opposing force of another individual, often someone close to us or perhaps even ourselves. The monster we fight in dreams is either someone else functioning in a very distorted manner and affecting our physical lives or it is a part of our own inner self that we are in denial about, a part that is also affecting our physical life.
Is the dream empowering and expansive or is it restrictive and making us helpless victims. In any case it is an accurate reflection of a certain energy and situation in our physical life. Are we being healed or victimized in the dream experience?
Weapons such as guns, grenades and bombs represent very large energy reserves that can be tapped to influence the direction of energy flow within the dream. These dream weapons are so powerful they can even be projected and used at a distance. In the dream we can shoot someone or something without being close to it. A knife battle involves hand to hand combat that is more desperate.
While it is a sign of empowerment to have a weapon in a dream the natural consequence is to find ourself in situations where we need to use it. In life there is a competition for things. By using our energy reserves to make the current flow in a favorable direction someone else is suffering an energy reversal and they will astrally come to discover what the problem is and try to correct it. They desire what we desire. This causes an astral duel or confrontation. As a person's power increases these duels can become more frightening because of the intensity of the forces involved.
In a recent dream someone shot me in the chest and blew my chest wide open. Whoever this person was they had a tremendous energy reserve available. My own reserves were even greater because I merely healed myself and didn't even bother to attack the other person. There was no need to. With that shot he had expended his energy reserves and was no threat to me. My ability to heal proved the energy would continue to flow as I intended it.
There was a time for about two years when I was constantly being challenged in some type of astral duel and having to fight. In later years as my reserve of power has grown such encounters have become very rare. In one dream I took someone's knife away from them, broke the blade and handed the knife back.
What this tells me is my ability to act and influence astral events is not really challenged by many people and is in fact supported by many that do believe in me and what I am trying to do in my life. This empowerment is reflected in physical life as a growing sense of accomplishment and recognition from others. Each day brings me a little closer to my goals in life and that progress makes me happy.
Vehicles indicate another type of power, the power to influence the environment. With a weapon we confront the opposition of individuals in our lives. With vehicles we gain mobility within the environment itself. A dream vehicle indicates personal power over the physical obstacles that confront us. It symbolizes that we are in control and moving toward our goals. Loss or damage to our dream vehicle indicates a threat or loss of control in a situation we were previously strong in. The physical realities of the situation have somehow changed and the dream reflects the new dynamics of the situation. We are no longer moving toward our goal.
I've noticed some of my dream vehicles were from past periods of my life as I worked through repressed issues and gained control over them. Each vehicle reflected an issue of my past that I had repressed.
It seemed that once I had developed such a vehicle it was quite easy to modernize it. I had overcome the obstacles of the past and was now ready to confront the obstacles of the present.
I am a truck driver and current dreams of vehicles tend to be of my own truck. This indicates the issues in my dreams reflect current issues and not issues from from the past returning to haunt me.
Occasionally I am riding in someone else's vehicle as a passenger or perhaps even driving. I believe this type of dream represents a joining of forces and a cooperative effort with someone else to achieve some mutual goal we both wish for. These are often of an empowering nature and reflect personal growth and empowerment. The joining of forces in the most empowering type of dream there is. Some sexual types of dreams are variations of cooperative efforts at the astral level.
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Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?
Foundations Technorati Tags : survivalism, relationships, self, help, spirituality, occult, self, improvement, opinion, health, fitness, xtreme, sports