Sunday, January 28, 2007


Chapter 20 Dream Vehicles and Weapons

In the physical world it is difficult to accurately judge all of the important factors in a situation. Some things never go as planned and a few things defy rational explanation. This is because of the hidden factors that are hard to determine as well as the human factors of strength of will, character and determination.

We can be as objective and materialistic as possible and entirely misjudge a person or a situation. In the end it matters just as much what is in the heart of a person. How much resolve, determination, and will to live the person has.

These factors do not express themselves within the physical world but they do express themselves in the dream world or the astral world. In our dreams we find ourselves in situations that relate to significant areas in our physical life. Each dream involves a particular type of energy and weakens us or strengthens us in that type of energy.

By monitoring our dreams we can determine if we are gaining power or loosing power. Each dream is an accurate reflection of the situation as it exists exactly at the time of the dream. At waking hours the situation may have altered in some fashion but probably not significantly.

Positive outcomes are liberating and expansive in nature. They indicate the flow of energy is favorable to us and we are gaining in personal power over that energy or situation. It may take twenty dreams over the space of one year to resolve a contested astral situation and determine a final outcome. Continued conflict leads to recurring dreams.

Negative outcomes are restrictive and confining in nature. They indicate the flow of energy is against us and the final outcome will be less than we hope it to be. We are loosing power in this type of dream. There is an area in life where we are not as effective as we were before.

At the time of the dream a new astral connection is made or an old one is severed. This alters the circuitry within the astral and a current will flow through the dream until a new point of equilibrium is established. Dammed up energy will be released as an energy exchange within the dream. When the energy flow stops the dream ends. This energy will either flow for us or against us depending upon our own level of energy.

Our dream bodies or astral bodies indicate in a general way the level of power we have at the time. Dreams are very symbolic and individual but certain things are fairly standard in the way they appear in dreams.

If we appear grotesque, wounded or distorted within the dream it indicates a serious loss of energy and lack of control within a particular situation in life. We have no control in these dreams and in the areas of life that they represent. We are acted upon or reactive instead of acting on others. This includes dreams in which people appear as animals like cows, horses, wolves...ect.

When we appear naked in a dream we have enough energy reserves to function and survive but not enough to alter events within the dream or in the life situations they represent. We are able to barely hold on to our humanity. The actions in these dreams are compulsive, instinctual and generally beyond our conscious awareness. We are merely participants or machines. Our nakedness indicates we are weak and vulnerable. It does not mean anything sexually in the generally understood manner.

To have clothing indicates we have risen above the purely instinctual level of energy and that a certain amount of awareness is available. To have clothing is a sign of empowerment and of energy reserves. We can exist and modify our environment to a degree.

The type of clothing is symbolic of the energy within the dream and of the situation in life it reflects. In a general way the closer the clothing matches what we currently wear the more power and influence we have in the situation it reflects.

If the clothing is out of place, being inappropriate for our current lifestyle it indicates we are working on unresolved issues from out of the past that were repressed long ago. In this type of dream it is important we are getting empowered within the dream and not being weakened. To become weakened in this type of dream is to withdraw even more in physical life. It means a going backwards. To become empowered means a form of healing is taking place.

The next empowerment step beyond clothing is to have a weapon or tool of some sort. A knife seems to be quite common in my own experience.

A knife in a dream indicates a surplus of energy. If we have a weapon we will also have clothing.

A weapon like a knife indicates the ability to manipulate the outcome of the dream in some manner. This means using our energy reserve and attempting to make the energy flow in a manner favorable to us. Put in other terms we might find ourselves in some type of astral battle or duel and using our knife or weapon to defend ourselves. We need to defend ourselves to keep the energy flowing in the same direction. There is a threat the energy flow will be reversed.

In dreams we do not fight inanimate objects. Inanimate objects reflect physical obstacles that we must somehow get around. Anything we end up fighting is animate and indicates the opposing force of another individual, often someone close to us or perhaps even ourselves. The monster we fight in dreams is either someone else functioning in a very distorted manner and affecting our physical lives or it is a part of our own inner self that we are in denial about, a part that is also affecting our physical life.

Is the dream empowering and expansive or is it restrictive and making us helpless victims. In any case it is an accurate reflection of a certain energy and situation in our physical life. Are we being healed or victimized in the dream experience?

Weapons such as guns, grenades and bombs represent very large energy reserves that can be tapped to influence the direction of energy flow within the dream. These dream weapons are so powerful they can even be projected and used at a distance. In the dream we can shoot someone or something without being close to it. A knife battle involves hand to hand combat that is more desperate.

While it is a sign of empowerment to have a weapon in a dream the natural consequence is to find ourself in situations where we need to use it. In life there is a competition for things. By using our energy reserves to make the current flow in a favorable direction someone else is suffering an energy reversal and they will astrally come to discover what the problem is and try to correct it. They desire what we desire. This causes an astral duel or confrontation. As a person's power increases these duels can become more frightening because of the intensity of the forces involved.

In a recent dream someone shot me in the chest and blew my chest wide open. Whoever this person was they had a tremendous energy reserve available. My own reserves were even greater because I merely healed myself and didn't even bother to attack the other person. There was no need to. With that shot he had expended his energy reserves and was no threat to me. My ability to heal proved the energy would continue to flow as I intended it.

There was a time for about two years when I was constantly being challenged in some type of astral duel and having to fight. In later years as my reserve of power has grown such encounters have become very rare. In one dream I took someone's knife away from them, broke the blade and handed the knife back.

What this tells me is my ability to act and influence astral events is not really challenged by many people and is in fact supported by many that do believe in me and what I am trying to do in my life. This empowerment is reflected in physical life as a growing sense of accomplishment and recognition from others. Each day brings me a little closer to my goals in life and that progress makes me happy.

Vehicles indicate another type of power, the power to influence the environment. With a weapon we confront the opposition of individuals in our lives. With vehicles we gain mobility within the environment itself. A dream vehicle indicates personal power over the physical obstacles that confront us. It symbolizes that we are in control and moving toward our goals. Loss or damage to our dream vehicle indicates a threat or loss of control in a situation we were previously strong in. The physical realities of the situation have somehow changed and the dream reflects the new dynamics of the situation. We are no longer moving toward our goal.

I've noticed some of my dream vehicles were from past periods of my life as I worked through repressed issues and gained control over them. Each vehicle reflected an issue of my past that I had repressed.

It seemed that once I had developed such a vehicle it was quite easy to modernize it. I had overcome the obstacles of the past and was now ready to confront the obstacles of the present.

I am a truck driver and current dreams of vehicles tend to be of my own truck. This indicates the issues in my dreams reflect current issues and not issues from from the past returning to haunt me.

Occasionally I am riding in someone else's vehicle as a passenger or perhaps even driving. I believe this type of dream represents a joining of forces and a cooperative effort with someone else to achieve some mutual goal we both wish for. These are often of an empowering nature and reflect personal growth and empowerment. The joining of forces in the most empowering type of dream there is. Some sexual types of dreams are variations of cooperative efforts at the astral level.

Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?

Foundations Technorati Tags : survivalism, relationships, self, help, spirituality, occult, self, improvement, opinion, health, fitness, xtreme, sports

Friday, January 19, 2007


Chapter 19 Youth and Innocence

Before we are born we exist in the astral with the total accumulation of energies we have acquired during our past lifetimes. There are genetic and etheric bonds that link us to our future parents. Some call these bonds karmic bonds. We choose our parents and they choose us.

In giving us life part of both parents has united genetically and etherically to fashion a physical vehicle that can contain the energies making up our soul. At the moment of birth we are more alive and vital than we will be at any time in our lives. Our Holy Guardian Angel is functioning in harmony with our Shadow. They both wish to keep us alive and healthy. We bring into this life the energy we carry with us from past lives. This energy supplements all areas of living as a form of grace or proctection.

Our abstract spiritual and concrete spiritual bodies are developed and very active. Babies are very intuitive and capable of psychically knowing things about the environment. Most babies are surrounded with spiritual love and light. They have strong auras.

Their abstract mental energies are high. Babies have an intense ability to focus all of their energy on one thing at a time. The ability to focus is so complete the need seldom lasts a long time. It is the opposite of a short attention span. In seconds they assimilate the usefulness of an object and become bored with it. See it. Taste it. Feel it. Hear it. Smell it. Break it. What else is there to do with it?

Concrete mental energies are awesome. A child learns as much or more within the first six years of life as in the entire rest of his or her life altogether.

Upper emotional energies make the lives of most children lives of happiness and adventure as new horizon after horizon opens before them in beauty and wonder. Life is a joyous exploration as the world unfolds in all of its spendor.

Lower emotional energy is strong also. Children get angry and stubborn when they don't get what they want. They become adept at getting the things they want from other people.

Etheric energies are very powerful in children. Family ties are very strong and a child's love for parents and siblings is unconditional.

At birth all of these energies are at a maximum within the newborn and only the parental bonds have been established; especially the bond with the mother. They flow through the entire body in an unrestricted manner. The energy of love flows through these bonds as well as others.

This energy represents the energies carried over from past lifetimes. As the child interacts with others and gains experience he or she establishes astral connections that draw this energy away in an expansive manner. The natural energy reserve is like money that is gradually spent through experiences with others. The world expands before the child and absorbs the child's energy. The child absorbs the experience. This happens with each form of energy and represents the expansiveness and innocence of youth.

A point is reached when the child has given out his or her ready supply of energy. When this happens the energy flow reverses and what was an expansive experience becomes a restrictive experience. This reversal of polarity occurs normally in the troubled teenage years and marks what we have come to call the loss of innocence. This loss of innocence is very painful and will happen sooner or later at every level as our energy reserves run out. Our grace period has run out and we need to generate our own energy to stay alive.

The physical body can learn to generate these energies and slow or even reverse the aging process. It is extremely difficult for most people to generate all seven types of energy. Most are able to generate a few of them and they remain young in the areas that they have learned to generate energy. They continue to age in the areas of those energies they don't generate.

The process is as follows:

1 It is easy to give away energy.
2 It is difficult to give away energy.
3 Energy is taken from us.
4 Energy is painfully taken from us.
5 we painfully are forced to generate more energy.
6 With difficulty we work and generate more energy.
7 We just feel a drain on us that is a mild irritation.
8 It becomes effortless to generate the energy and we once more have a surplus and the world expands before us.

This process can be followed with any of the seven energy types.

Abstract Spiritual

1 Easy to love
2 difficult to love
3 love is withheld
4 love is lost
5 love in face of rejection
6 love in spite of rejection
7 love without expectation of return
8 love unconditionally

Concrete Spiritual

1 easy to intuit
2 difficult to intuit
3 extremely difficult to intuit
4 impossible to intuit
5 intuit through trial and error-process of elimination
6 intuit from what is missing or not there
7 intuit shadow self
8 intuit true self

Abstract Mental

1 easy to focus
2 difficult to focus
3 extremely difficult to focus
4 impossible to focus
5 many fragments click together
6 refine big picture
7 broad paradigm
8 integrated personal philosophy

Concrete Mental

1 easy to learn
2 difficult to learn
3 extremely difficult to learn
4 impossible to learn
5 learn through hard work
6 learn through hobbies
7 learn from life's experiences
8 Each moment is a learning process

Upper Emotional

1 easy to experience joy and happiness
2 not so easy to experience joy and happiness
3 extremely difficult to experience joy and happiness
4 joy and happiness seem impossible
5 irony and dry humor
6 a bitter-sweet joy in life
7 easy humor
8 regain joy and happiness doing things we love doing

Lower Emotional

1 use anger to achieve goals
2 anger doesn't work as well to achieve goals
3 anger only helps occasionally to get goal
4 anger won't get us our goal
5 anger works against us
6 anger creates problems for us
7 anger and frustration while achieving goal
8 anger in form of determination and stamina is used to achieve goal


1 unconditional love of family
2 difficulty with family
3 extremely hard times with family
4 impossible family-leave home
5 impossible family-return home
6 new family-difficult adjustment period
7 difficult to accept new family roles
8 new family roles and stations accepted

In each case we can regain the ease and vitality we once had as children by learning to generate our own surplus of that type of energy.

Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?

Foundations Technorati Tags : survivalism, relationships, self, help, spirituality, occult, self, improvement, opinion, health, fitness, xtreme, sports

Saturday, January 13, 2007


Chapter 18 Dream Work

The dream world or astral world is physically real and created from the earth's magnetic field energy. It is created from the inductive portion of a huge resonant circuit with the physical earth itself forming the capacitive portion of the circuit.

The dream world or astral world is a counterpart to the physical and functions in an inverse manner. Dewey Larson's reciprocal theory is a general field theory that explains these two interconnected universes. He calls them the space/time universe and the time/space universe.

In the physical world we have individual physical bodies. In the astral world we are all a part of each other and a part of all that exists. An astral body of mine can be in someone else's dreams without my being aware of it. Someone else may be in my dream and not be aware of it.

In dreams bits of our awareness leave our sleeping bodies and travel the magnetic ley lines or astral worlds surrounding the earth.

In our dreams an energy cord is connected or severed. That is the purpose of the dream, to alter the circuit that exists in the astral world in a subtle way. Dreams alter a circuit and then allow energy to pass through the dream. When the energy ceases to flow the dream ends. A dream is a discharge of energy between two physical things that are connected through astral cords. Physical bodies generate and store energy like batteries. This energy is discharged through astral cords or magnetic flux lines.

If I appear in someone else's dream I will retain a connection with my physical body even if I am not aware of being in the dream. My physical body stores the energy charge that has been built up throughout the day. My physical body acts as a battery that stores energy. Because of the energy transfer that occurs in dreams my physical body will either have more energy in the morning or it will have less energy.

What I am saying is that dreams are real and reflect an actual energy transfer and alteration of the circuitry that exists within the astral world.

Nightmare dreams reflect situations in which the energy flow is going against us and where it is stronger than our own reserves. It reflects a serious physical situation that is not
in our control and an area that we are trying to repress or avoid dealing with.

In these situations our energy is destroyed as it contacts the opposing energy and we have a dream that is out of control and frightening. We experience weakness loss of energy and a draining of vitality.

I will give two examples from my own experience. In one dream my feet would not move. They were stuck to the floor. In this dream I grabbed a doorway structure with my hands and virtually pulled myself across the threshold to safety. That was the end of the dream. In pulling myself across the threshold my feet acted as if they were held by a magnet as they dragged across the floor.

The fact that my feet would not move indicated a serious obstacle at near physical levels within the astral. One that held me powerless and unable to move. Pulling myself to safety was an example of using spiritual or higher power to affect the lower levels in a positive way. I am certain that some physical crisis was averted by my actions within that dream. In some way I was empowered and gained energy.

In another dream my feet would not move. I fell to the ground and in an act of will grabbed handfuls of grass and pulled myself forward. In the act of pulling myself forward a new connection was made. The severity of my physical situation was somehow lessened and I was empowered. Again I was able to use higher energies to affect change at lower levels where I was powerless. The power of will overcame physical obstacles.

Both of these dreams were accurate reflections of my physical position in life and the legal obstacles that confronted me in relation to my divorce and its legal settlement. At the time of those dreams I was in a bad situation that almost miraculously turned out fair instead of overwhelmingly against me. My ex-wife was using all the legal maneuvers she could against me and I left myself totally to the mercy of the cosmic without defense.

In the astral world events gravitate together. These events form possible and later even probable future physical events as they gather a mass and momentum of their own. Our dreaming of these events indicate they will somehow have an effect in our lives when they become physical reality. Issues are worked out in the astral prior to becoming physical events. In this respect there are no coincidences in life. What physically happens to us is worked out in the astral before it becomes real to us.

I routinely dream about significant events before they happen during the day. This has held true for several years now but was not always the case.

The astral always works out two possible futures, one that is favorable to us and one that works against us. The situation is set up and the current will flow from the highest voltage to the lowest voltage. Only at the final stages is it determined if the outcome will be for us or against us. Much depends on our own inner strength and how anchored we are in physical reality. Also much depends on how important one type of outcome is to the collective of humanity. Many times one person must suffer so that many others do not have to suffer.

This is not a matter of fairness but a matter of energy dynamics. One outcome will have more energy than the other and the energy will flow from the greatest power to the lesser. If the energy flow is one way we will benefit and if it flows the other way we will suffer. It is very important we have as much energy in reserve as possible to influence these critical events when we can.

An example of a dream in which the energy flow went against me is when I was driving in a car down a road. Suddenly the car started going backwards and the brakes would not work. I was pulled of the road and into the ditch.

This is an interesting type of example because the fact that I had a car and was driving it indicated that I was very powerful in energy. If I was naked without any clothes it would have indicated I had very little energy in reserve. That my car was pulled backward and into the ditch indicated that the forces against me were even stronger. They were able to stop me and temporarily block my progress.

If my car had been wrecked or my astral body injured it would have meant a serious loss of energy to me. As it was my car remained intact and the setback was only temporary. In a few weeks I was driving down the road without any problem.

This is what dreams are about, the direction that the energy will flow. Sometimes it will flow one way and sometimes it will flow the other. Each dream is a subtle alteration of the circuitry and changes the direction of the flow in some manner large or small.

Also of prime importance is how quickly one can recharge themselves after their reserves have been depleted by an energy flow the wrong way.

Suppose my energy reserve was at 500 volts and the opposing force was at 600 volts. In the dream a connection was made and created a short circuit between us. My 500 volts was lost and destroyed. 500 volts of the opposition was also destroyed and lost. As a result only 100 volts worth of damage could be done to me, enough to pull my car into the ditch. When my car was pulled into the ditch the opposition was at 100 volts and the dream ended. 100 Volts could not do much damage and I was able to recharge more quickly.

When my car was pulled backwards I lost energy but so did the opposition. The opposing force could only pull me back so far. Then we were both equal; it was a stalemate situation. I could do nothing but they could not do any further harm to me either.

In this case I was able regain my energy reserves more quickly than the opposing force and I was able continue forward within weeks. The opposition had to accept some future physical event that would be in my favor, one that would somehow effect the lives of others.

The collective always resists change. It does not matter if the collective will benefit from something good happening to me, it simply does not want to change the status quo and the change in astral circuitry forced a change that must affect some future physical event.

This type of dream work is exhausting because one's energy reserves are destroyed time after time in some type of confrontation until a suitable compromise is worked out and all conflicts neutralized. It becomes a matter of who has the most energy available over a long period of time.

I have used my own dreams as examples but everyone's dreams work in the same fashion and determine how future events will affect us and our lives.

Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?

Foundations Technorati Tags : survivalism, relationships, self, help, spirituality, occult, self, improvement, opinion, health, fitness, xtreme, sports

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Chapter 17-Miracles

Occasionally something happens in life that most would consider a miracle. These events are awesome and fearsome displays of physical power and endurance that seem superhuman to us or unnatural.

The mother that lifts a car to save a child is one type of this experience. In this type of experience thought does not enter. There is only the child and the need to save the child.

There are variations of this where people are saved from drowning or from burning buildings. In each variation people risk their own life and health without thought of personal safety. Their concern is totally focused on the person they need to save.

Another type of miracle is the "berserker rage" where some invincible power comes upon a person in the middle of a fight or battle. Such warriors were thought to be touched by the gods and unbeatable in battle. They are able to overwhelm the opposition with the fury of their attack.

A variation of this is anytime a person gets their way by overwhelming all opposition through force of personality. These people are so sure of themselves that they never doubt or think about whether they are right or not. The thought never crosses their mind and they are very difficult to stop. They know they are right and that rightness fuels their actions.

Another type of miracle is shown by some institutionalized people with mental and/or emotional disorders. At times these people can perform feats of superhuman strength like kicking out a 10 foot high window, ripping leather work shoes apart barehanded, and taking plumbing fixtures off walls without tools.

Others can perform strange feats of cunning like picking locks or knowing the birthdays of hundreds of people and not even be able to dress themselves. These are the idiot savants.

Somehow these otherwise handicapped individuals are able to focus effort and will long enough and with enough force to perform things we think of as superhuman.

Still another type of miracle is the type of performance expressed by professional athletes and martial artists. The martial artist can break blocks of wood or bricks bare handed by striking them in a special way with a special force.

The Olympic athlete is continuously breaking new records in what it is possible for the human body to achieve. They are constantly doing what has never been done before.

These people repeat a series of actions over and over until the action is automatic. The body performs the action without conscious thought and awareness or rather by a special type of awareness and focus that has been developed.

What do all of these "miracles" have in common?

They all exhibit some type of action we consider superhuman, some superhuman strength, stamina, agility or resourcefulness. In each case the action is performed without conscious thought or awareness but instead with a type of instinctive body awareness. In each case there is a terrific intent and focus of energies toward a very specific goal. This is an unthinking focus.

In these actions the entire being is directed into the physical activity. Nothing is held back. There is no room for doubt or hesitation of any kind.

From this we learn it is possible to perform physical action without conscious thought. Driving a car might be one example and doing our job might be another. These are tasks become so routine our body does them without our full attention or awareness. The behavior becomes automatic for us.

To achieve a physical goal we not only physically perform the needed actions but we perform those actions until they become automatic for us. We perform the physical actions automatically without even thinking about them.

Proper habits and behaviors will lead us toward our goal even when we are not thinking about our goal. When the brain shuts down training takes over. Become trained and then stop thinking and let our training carry us through to the final goal.

Be tightly focused toward one goal and only one goal at a time. Master one skill until it becomes automatic and only then attempt to master another skill. Energy and efforts must not be diverted but contained. At the very least have separate distinct efforts and actions for each goal and keep these efforts and actions separate from each other.

Finish what we start and put closure on those things we have finished. If there are three things to do, the proper technique is to concentrate only on one action and bring that action to some type of closure. Only then go to the next action and concentrate exclusively on that physical action and bring it to some type of closure.

As an example one hour of the day might be reserved exclusively for making business calls. Another hour might be reserved for reading and answering incoming mail. Yet another couple hours might be spent on project development and design.

By doing only one physical action and skill at a time and bringing each to a proper closure a miraculous amount of work can be accomplished in a short period of time with a minimum of wasted time and energy. If a person writes three pages of a book every day they will have written three books in a year's time.

If a person writes twenty pages one day and five the next and nothing else for a week no momentum is built up and each effort to restart takes added effort and energy. The person without momentum and habit will rarely accomplish the goals they want because they never have enough time or energy to work toward those goals.

The last factor toward achieving miracles is to put everything we have into what we are doing. Believe intensely and follow through until a conclusion is reached. No half way or half hearted measures will ever work. Put everything into the achievement of our goal.

By keeping these things in mind we can achieve miracles in our own lives. List those goals that we believe in and resolve to achieve them.

Resolve to a course of physical action that will lead to the achievement of our goal. By breaking each action down into small specific physical tasks and setting aside a specific time for doing these tasks they will get done in a timely manner. We train to do what needs to be done. Then we let ourselves do it.

Last break away from each task after the allotted amount of time and bring a closure to concentrate totally on the next task. In doing a task our full effort must be on the accomplishment of that task. We should not be thinking about some other task. Be tightly focused on each goal and give that goal everything while working on it. When we are done with it we leave it completely.

If we have several goals we must make certain a portion of each day or each week is devoted toward the achievement of that goal and a momentum established. These actions must become habit.

Time must be made and set aside for family and social life. Each week include a social activity and a family activity that is planned and followed through on. Good intentions do not count, only physical actions count. Time must be made and set aside for hobbies and special interests.

It must become habitual and automatic to devote time and energy toward each goal in life. Work is not the time to think of family and don't bring work home to family. All of these goals must be attended to separately and habitually until life and success become automatic to us. Our entire life can become a miracle.

Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?

Foundations Technorati Tags : survivalism, relationships, self, help, spirituality, occult, self, improvement, opinion, health, fitness, xtreme, sports

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