Friday, November 24, 2006
Chapter 16-OAK Energy Ball Meditation Part 1
There are many ways to release these pockets of trapped and repressed emotional energy. Rieki or massage can do it and so can yoga or other types of physical exercise. A more gentle approach is through some type of meditation that safely brings this energy into awareness.
Freud's method of free association does this. Dianetics Book One processing does this in an even more effective manner. The OAK Energy Ball Meditation does this even more effectively.
When these circuits are fully open a form of alternating bio-electrical energy is allowed to pass through that is responsible for most psychic phenomenon and conscious awareness experiences. When the current is allowed to flow only one way as in direct current these psychic phenomena are not likely to occur.
Radio and Television are examples of modern applications using alternating current. The alternating current or sinus rythm is pervasive within the human body. This includes brain waves, nerve energy and heart beat.
It is the lower energies of fear, pain, sexual energy and anger that block these pathways and accumulate to dangerous quantities within the physical body. It is ironic that the development of these same energies in a free flowing and healthy state bring the most power to manifest things in life. They are the energies that most people regard as charismatic.
The development of charisma and personal magnetism depends upon the generation and accumulation of these energies and there healthy use. Training in the martial arts is an example of a method of generating and developing these powers.
The development and accumulation of physical or sexual energies is not safe until the psyche has been purged of all past repressions and "buried" traumas that form black pockets of negative energy within the body. Development of lower energies tend to activate these pockets of "black" repressed energy sometimes resulting in "knee jerk" behavior where we do and say things impulsively without even knowing that we are doing or saying them. This happens when the repressed and trapped emotional energy breaks free and travels through the nervous system.
In the medical profession this is called "psychotic" behavior and is not what we really want to be doing! Instead we have to purge these repressed energies out of our system one at a time. The safest way of doing this is working from the "top" downward.
We do this by generating "mental" or "spiritual" energy and forcing increased bio-electrical energy flow within our bodies. The OAK process is in my opinion safe enough for anyone to use. As a precaution, though, people in poor physical, mental, or emotional health should not follow any of these procedures without their doctor's consent. I am not a doctor. The following expresses my opinion about what is happening and why it happens.
I must stress the incredible power of this method. In a matter of days we gain an increasing number of "insights" into our personal affairs. At first these will be "insights" into our personal philosophy of life as our mental outlook begins to clarify and complete itself. This happens through working with mental energies.
When our belief system is complete enough our awareness will transfer itself to the mental level permanently. From this mental level we will be able to objectively deal with the "repressed" emotional pain and trauma from the past.
Our ego will be centered at the mental level where it is safe and in control. This is very important because releasing this "black" energy into awareness is very traumatic. As I went through this process I was seeing a psychologist as a precaution to ensure that I was in no danger of "losing it".
The gains and personal insights I was making at that time were so remarkable my psychologist described my personality as "fluid"! At the same time my ego was very strong and plastic and in no danger of being fragmented in any way.
Anyone can experience the same rapid personal growth and may at times be alarmed. Most of the time we will be joyous at the chance to rid ourselves of these "ghosts" from the past that prevent us from living the type of life we really want. THIS IS THE REAL THING!
This meditation purifies both the physical body and psyche so it can handle the more powerful and intense sexual and physical energies. It also opens one up to the lunar and solar cycles whereby monthly and seasonal energies are added to your own personal efforts and personal development is greatly accelerated.
This exercise should be done at least once a day and if possible twice a day. The entire exercise lasts only about ten minutes but its effects are felt throughout the day and the night in spontaneous "insights", lucid dreaming, and a marked increase in psychic abilities in general.
Seat yourself comfortably with your spine straight and your hands resting comfortably on your lap.
Take a few deep breaths to relax and get into the right frame of mind. Close your eyes and visualize a ball of energy about four inches above your head. Keep trying until you can visualize this ball of energy easily and vividly.
The action of visualizing a ball of energy "outside" of the body is a very complex action. It involves a high degree of abstract thought and is at first very difficult to do. It requires a lot of energy in the head area as well as the ability to focus this energy.
The most important suggestion here is that practice makes perfect. A headache may result from this exercise if a person is not used to abstract thought of any kind. This is not serious unless it persists. A few days of not doing the exercise should correct the problem.
This exercise causes increased blood flow and oxygen to the brain and to the pituitary and pineal glands stimulating them to increased activity.
The idea of step one is to gradually strengthen these glands and increase their hormone activity. They are the master glands of the body and control other endocrine gland activity. This is the first step in increased health benefits.
Visualizing the energy ball as a rotating ball of energy helps to stabalize the visualization. Rather than clockwise or counter clockwise I always felt better rolling it like a snowball with the energy going up the back and down the front. This is similar to the way kundalini energy goes up the spine and then flows down the front of the body.
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