Saturday, November 04, 2006
Chapter 14-Like a Rock
This is a sound defensive strategy. It is easier to take a defensive position and resist all attacks rather than attack a superior force or opponent. It is sound judgment to let the opposition wear itself out and deplete its energy while we retain ours through a tight defensive position.
This concept of standing like a rock has a very solid foundation on physical reality and draws strength from physical reality. It also shows the wisdom of caution and non-aggression while remaining true to who we really are.
Due to the hierarchical nature of life as we develop our own personal power we earn the right to a better position in life. A position in life that holds more options for us and more chances for fulfillment. This means we may eventually take over a position that someone else already holds. All positions within the hierarchy are always filled. As soon as a position becomes vacant the proper person fills it.
Our struggle to advance becomes a threat to those that currently hold the position we are striving for and they will resist fiercely, not out of malice toward us but in the interests of self preservation. They wish to retain the position they currently hold.
It is currently popular to believe the advancement of our own interests and pursuit of happiness should not be a threat to anyone else. The truth is that nature is always filled to capacity and the finite world we live in will not grow larger.
When we advance someone somewhere looses a little space. The opposite is also true. When someone somewhere looses a little bit there is an opening we can advance into. This happens naturally as people in the work force age and retire leaving empty positions to be filled by younger people.
The difference between these two methods is profound. The first is aggression and open attack for power and position in life. The individual attempts to force his or her will on others.
In the second method a person stays at his or her current position slowly and gradually gaining personal power as little openings present themselves and at the proper moment in time the person in a higher position retires or withdraws and that newly vacated position is offered to the proper person. In this method there is no fighting for position and power because it is naturally recognized which person is proper for the new position.
There is no need to attack people that hold positions we aspire to. In the fullness of time and when it is appropriate that position will become ours if it is meant to be. It is wise to be content with our own growth and personal evolution and not threaten people.
There is no need to attack them. They may even at some point attack us simply because our increased energy is becoming a threat to them.
Many times they feel trapped in positions that are becoming too much for them to handle and they want a way out. Attacking us is often a way to hasten their own retirement in an honorable way. Such people feel it is better to die fighting for something than to be confined for the rest of their living years in an old folks home as they die from a degenerative disease.
When we desire personal growth in life our actions will often result in others attacking us at some point. Our efforts toward self fulfillment are making it more difficult for others to achieve their own personal goals. There is a conflict of interest in even the most innocent of goals at times. We might want what others want and they might want what we want.
To believe otherwise is to bury one's head in the sand and refuse to see the world as it exists. To admit the realities of life is to come to terms with them in a way that treats others with respect and dignity.
In taking a defensive position and asserting ourselves a little at a time as the opportunity presents we can advance without loosing our respect for human life and dignity. If others choose to fight us in battle we have the sacred trust to respect their right in this choice and also the sacred trust to fight back with every ounce of power and energy available to us. We can respect those we battle with as fellow warriors that wish to die in battle or go down fighting.
When others attack it is vital we hold our own against them. We must stand firm to what we believe in the face of death itself. Our position is rightfully earned through the honest development of personal power and the accumulated energy of physical work. We do not need to back down.
Often those that attack us once earned the position they now hold. They no longer have the right to that position because they have abused it or have become unfit for it in some manner. These people seek to hold their position through fear and intimidation and not through personal ability. It is a moral wrong to surrender to these people when it is within our power to advance into a position that is rightfully one we have earned.
It may be morally wrong to aggressively force our way into positions of power and influence but it is equally wrong to avoid those positions if they are offered to us either as a gift or through the aggressions of others. It is not morally wrong to take the power away from a bully that uses intimidation and terror to achieve his or her goals.
Life situations can take on the quality of opening a can of worms. An action that seems very simple and straightforward can entangle us in a hopeless mess that will drain away our energy reserves. Those in higher positions will attempt to draw us into situations that will entangle us. These people are adept at finding any weak spots we may have and use them against us.
The key to dealing with these situations is to remain purely defensive. Establish a boundary and don't let an opponent cross that boundary. Remain true to our own interests and keep our efforts and energies away from entanglements and lost causes.
In this way even our weaknesses turn into strengths as we gain awareness of them and are forced to deal with them in an appropriate manner. Often our greatest weaknesses when honestly confronted and owned become our greatest strengths and assets.
Do not aggressively attack for positions of power and influence. Those in the superior positions will hold the advantage and often turn our own efforts against us. They have the ability to twist and distort our own efforts in a way that will advance their own position. When we refuse to attack they have no means of diverting us and drawing us into unprofitable activities. They can do nothing and we can quietly continue our efforts at personal growth in peace and tranquillity.
By remaining in a tightly focused defensive position we can wait out any attack and weather the storm. When the storm is over we will be free to assume the positions in life we have earned through our own hard effort. Our enemies will have destroyed themselves by battering themselves against the solid rock of our defense. Openings for advancement will appear.
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