Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Chapter 13-Death

To be born into a physical body is to know that someday we must also face death. The cycle of life, death and rebirth is everywhere. Nothing in life is to be feared in the sense of becoming so paralyzed with fear that we are unable to function.

Embrace the good with the bad and drink the cup of life in its fullness. There is a bitter-sweet to life that brings vitality and vigor into our days. It is this bitter-sweet that teaches compassion and wisdom.

I believe the non-physical part leaves our physical body at death and upon the disintegration of our old physical body our soul is released to be reincarnated into a physical body more suited to our growing needs.

I also believe life requires both a capacitive physical body and an inductive non-physical body. The combination of these two bodies working together forms a resonant circuit that brings life and awareness.

Put simply we have lived many lifetimes before our present one and a million years from now we will still require both physical and non-physical bodies. With this understanding death has nothing to be afraid of. We do have a responsibility to make our world of experience into the heaven it was intended to be and not into the hell it has at times become.

In the past people with highly developed souls and charisma often had physical bodies that resisted the decomposition process after death. This resistance to decomposition in a few cases extended for several years.

Egyptian mummies are examples of souls still tied to the physical corpses they once had. These souls are unable to break the link still holding them to their old physical bodies after thousands of years. These souls exist in a type of purgatory existence neither alive nor dead. They simply take up space within the earth’s magnetic field where they wait for their mummies to slowly crumble into dust so they can once more live.

Christians call this after life "Heaven" and believe there is no need to return to physical bodies. Others believing in reincarnation believe a point is reached when the soul no longer needs to return into a physical body. My belief is that there will always be a need to return to a physical body. There will always be a need to create "Heaven" here on earth.

We as living individuals can project our awareness out to those trapped between lives and make contact with them. This contact gives the illusion that these souls are alive and aware. The illusion is created by these trapped souls gaining temporary access to our own physical bodies in the fashion of a parasite. They are only alive and aware through us.

If we are not protected these souls will attempt to possess our physical bodies and use them. As soon as the contact is dropped these trapped souls once more become inactive.

This illusion is the basis for much of the so called contact with the dead. I personally feel it is wrong to establish contact with these trapped souls and allow them to feed on us in a parasite fashion. If possible they can be helped to move on and release from the lower levels.

The appropriate solution is that the physical body be cremated after death and the ashes allowed mingle back into the earth where they originally came from. This allows the soul the freedom to once more experience life in a more appropriate physical body through the process of rebirth.

The current popular practice of embalming the physical corpse before burial in a vault is an abomination. It turns our love of life into a love of death. Our beautiful physical world is littered with the remains of corpses that refuse to return back to the elements they came from. Valuable property and money is invested in what amounts to a worship of the dead. This is necromancy of the foulest sort in my opinion.

Even worse, this worship of embalmed corpses traps souls within the earth’s magnetic field in a type of purgatory existence unable to live and unable to die. These trapped souls are left with only the option of a parasite type of existence that feeds on living souls until the destruction of their own physical corpse allows them to move on into a physical life of their own.

An even greater tragedy is that this non-living existence clutters and impedes the flow of living energies within both the capacitive physical earth and the inductive non-physical earth, the magnetic fields that surround the physical earth. We call these magnetic fields the astral planes.

It impedes the flow of living energies by diverting the flow of living energies into ways long dead and forgotten. It is time to forget the wisdom of the ancients and discover an even greater new wisdom gained through living in the present living moment.

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