Saturday, October 14, 2006


Chapter 12-Dreams

The world of our dreams is as real and physical as the physical world. By saying the world of dreams is physical I mean it is physically created out of the magnetic field energies that surround the earth.

The danger is to fall into the trap of assuming the physical world of every day life is separate from the more subjective and seemingly invisible world of dreams. It is too easy to say the world of dreams and imagination has no basis in physical reality and thus does not exist. It is too easy to create a spiritual world spun out of fantasy that doesn't follow the scientific laws of physical reality and call that illusory world the world of dreams.

It is difficult to state with conviction that the dream world exists as a magnetic field that surrounds the physical world and also follows the same physical laws.

We each have a dual awareness. We have an awareness of the capacitive physical world that exists around us and also an awareness of the inductive non-physical world of dreams that has a subjective quality to it. Both are real and in their own ways both are physical.

When we think of a past memory, that image or remembrance exists not in our minds but in this dream world. When we envision a project or plan for the future our thought processes take place within the world of dreams and are fashioned out of the substance of dreams.

The process of rational thought and deductive reasoning exists entirely within this world of dreams. The illusion is that this somehow takes place within our own minds or bodies and not external to us. When we close our eyes and visualize something we think it is in our minds. We do not realize our awareness is in another world external to our physical bodies.

Our awareness of our capacitive physical body places us as individuals with not-self, everything external to our physical bodies and self, identified with our physical bodies. We do not share our physical bodies with others. We share the external world with others.

Careful analysis of the world of dreams shows an entirely different type of awareness exists within that inductive world of magnetic field energies. In that world our awareness changes with whatever we identify ourselves with. In that world we have no center of being. Our sense of self is restricted to a point of awareness as it flows through images, objects and persons, each of which may temporarily represent us at that moment in time.

Put simply we are wherever our attention is currently focused. We are what we identify with. This awareness is external to our capacitive physical bodies and is a global awareness.

Our awareness in the dream world encircles the entire world at once and includes every living and non-living thing within the world. In the dream world we are everything that exists but the focus of our awareness limits us to experiencing only a small segment at a time.

Said in another way each one of us is that same dream world. That dream world is my universe and it is also your universe. We are each aware of different parts of "our" universe at different times.

When we let go of a thought or vision anyone else is free to pick it up and add to it or take from it as they see fit. When we first had that thought or vision it did not originate within us but existed external to us and we turned our attention toward it. We momentarily became that thought or vision as our awareness passed through its dream structure. When we were done with it the thought or vision passed on to someone else with similar interests.

In the dream world nothing belongs to us as individuals because everything belongs to us and everything is shared at the same time. We are simply the point of awareness reading the data. The data belong to everyone.

The world of dreams and awareness within it are a paradox when compared to awareness within the capacitive physical world.

To begin with our dream world is not individual but collective. It is not internal to us but external to us. Others are active within our dream world even as we are active in their dream world because they are all one and the same.

When we dream or think about a certain individual a portion of that person actually takes part in our dream or thoughts. There have been several times when I have felt the pressure of someone else's thought and knew the person was thinking about me. Later inquiry validated my impression.

It is common for wild animals to feel the weight of someones glance and grow uncomfortable.
When we study our dreams and thoughts we should develop the habit of considering each dream as if it were completely internal to us and dealing with only our own personal issues. We should also consider each dream or thought as being external to us and involving issues with other people. In a type of paradox both interpretations are true and valid.

We may choose certain people as dream images because they subconsciously represent important issues in our life. In choosing these people as dream images they draw life and vitality from their physical counterparts and will react in a manner reflective of that person. This interaction gives a dynamic quality to our dreams.

If we battle that person in a dream and win, that person will have less energy and vitality in the morning even if they have no memory of the dream. If we battle that person and loose, that person will have increased energy and vitality in the morning and we will feel drained.

Each dream represents the connection or removal of an astral cord or magnetic flux line. Each dream reflects an alteration of the circuitry that exists within the dream world and a shifting of our own place within that world.

A dream will never repeat itself under normal circumstances. If related to a previous dream it will be a continuation or development of that previous dream.

Under abnormal conditions a dream may repeat itself if tremendous forces are in conflict with each other. This dream will repeat until a permanent resolution is established. After resolution the dream will follow the normal pattern.

These connections of magnetic flux lines or astral cords are permanent in nature and become "invisible" after they are made. This means we may form a link or connection to someone in our childhood dreams and later in life dream about this person we haven't seen for years. Typically this type of dream is a severance of the connection formed so long ago and not a development into a new issue.

Dreams are the most common means we have of monitoring our positions within the circuitry of the dream world.

When we are empowered in dreams we become empowered in life. When we are ineffective in dreams we are ineffective in life. With each dream our potential for action is subtly altered for the better or for the worse. Each dream is an accurate assessment of the current non physical conditions surrounding the issue.

It is common for several small dreams to occur that establish small connections to particular issues. Later these small connections are replaced by a powerful dream that involves massive connections.

The terms circuitry and connections are used because energy is always flowing through the dream world. The inductive dream world forms a resonant circuit with the capacitive physical world and a tremendous perpetual current is constantly flowing through both. This current focuses and impels physical events to happen at critical time periods in history.

Even as matter gravitates toward matter in the capacitive world, events gravitate toward events in the inductive or dream world. Our participation in these events is determined by our connections or lack of connections to these events in the dream world. In this manner events in the dream world do predict future events in the physical world before they really happen.

In the dream world the consequences and probabilities of certain actions are worked out before the physical event is actually allowed to take place. Each dream as it happens represents a true reflection of the forces and energies that surround an issue at any given time.

It is not right to say "I dreamed this so it will happen as I dreamed it". It is right to say "I dreamed this and it reflects accurately the energies that presently surround this issue". Typically the issue is either empowered or endangered and the dream can be recognized as an empowering one or a weakening one.

In some cases new forces may enter into the situation and it is not possible to recognize what is happening until further development in later dreams. In all cases our experiences in the dream world are as real as our experiences in the physical world. They are in fact, an extension of the physical world. There symbolism holds individual meaning that is true only for ourselves.

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