Thursday, October 05, 2006


Chapter 10-Family and Love

The bonds of family and the bonds of love are the strongest bonds possible. We must have the support of those closest to us or we will fail. When our parents, spouse, children and relatives are supportive of us we have the energy and strength that it takes to win in life.

The love, support and energy that we receive from loved ones can get us through any troubles life might send our way. With the support of those we love, we can do miracles.
Jesus said he was able to heal the sick and perform other miracles because the people had faith and believed in him.

The opposite is also true, when family members don't believe in us it drains our energy and vitality. When we are in conflict with members of our family it is almost impossible to achieve our goals in life.

One of the greatest assets a person can have is the support of those he loves. One of the greatest liabilities a person can have is the disbelief or skepticism of those closest to him.

Most successful people have the support of family and loved ones. These people create dynasties and involve family members in their achievements. These people have the ability to make their personal goals also family goals. The family business is an example of this principle.

If we can gain the support of our loved ones we are extremely blessed and fortunate. It may be possible to get them even more involved. This support is the most powerful force for success there is.

If our loved ones are not supportive of our goals we have a very serious problem. The problem is even more serious than many suppose. In the long run our success may cost us our relationship with our loved ones. It may turn into an issue of keeping our goals or keeping our family.

To achieve our goals when those around us are not supportive we must work much harder and with much more resolve to achieve any tangible result. It is possible to achieve our goals but requires tremendous effort that others with support will not have to put out.

Once we have achieved our goals and our loved ones see we are successful they may become supportive of us in the achievement of future goals. This is quite common. We need to demonstrate we have an ability to achieve our goals.

We will need quite a bit of time and space away from non-supportive loved ones. We will need to demand it for ourselves. They might not understand this need. It may cause conflict within relationships until they can accept it. Once they see how important these goals are to us they may become more supportive of us.

We will need to find others that are supportive of us and the achievement of our goals. We need to find people trying to achieve the same type of goals we are trying to achieve. These people will become a second family to us. They may even become more important to us than our own family.

We can share our goals and frustrations with these new people and they will be supportive of us. We in turn must learn to listen to them and be supportive of their goals. These new friends may enter into our lives in permanent ways.

The bottom line is we can't achieve our goals totally alone and by ourselves. There must be some people that believe in us. There must be people that offer support and encouragement when they are needed.

When we are totally alone we must reach out and find others if we want to achieve our goals. We must create a second family and invest time and energy into it. That time and energy will be returned many times over what we have given.

We can hold the vision and perform the actions needed to achieve our goals but it is the energy of others that will give life to our creations. We can create the flower but it is the support of others that will allow that flower to grow into the beautiful rose it is meant to be. Without the support of others that rose will remain stunted and wilted in a hostile environment. It will remain alive but its life will be a struggle and its beauty will be fragile.

It is important we realize how to be supportive of the goals of the ones we love. We should take an interest in what they are doing and if possible contribute or get involved in a supportive way.
Each individual close to us has an individual goal he or she is trying to reach. Do we know what that goal is?

Are we supportive of their efforts to achieve that goal? What actions can we take to be more supportive to the individuals we love? Can we give them the space and time they require if we don't agree with them? Are we doing our share and holding up our end of each individual relationship?

Are we creating an environment that those we love can grow and flourish in?

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