Monday, September 25, 2006


Chapter 8-Social Pressure

In a way the human race is a single organism. You and I are a small part of the body of humanity. This single organism or collective is greater than any single individual and always will be.

Even as our toes, fingers and eyes serve us, we in turn serve humanity. We feel we have the right to use our toes, fingers and eyes for our own purposes. In the same manner society feels it has the right to use us for its own purposes.

Even as we are more powerful than our toes, fingers and eyes, society is more powerful than we are. In an open dispute with society we as individuals can never win. The best we can ever hope for is a win-win situation in which we win and society also wins.

We don't need to give up our dreams and goals in life. We do need to make those dreams and goals compatible and congruent with what society expects of us.

When we believe society's wishes for us are in conflict with our own goals our thinking is too restrictive and narrow. We will not achieve our goals in direct opposition to society's wishes, never. If a conflict exists it is our thinking that must be altered. There is always a solution that benefits both society and us if we can only find it.

The trick is to never directly oppose society in open conflict because we can never win. When we disagree we can establish boundaries of non-action and take a defensive position. A defensive position requires less energy than an offensive position. This stance is of conscientious objectors that refuse to act physically in a way they feel is destructive.

If society says we must act in a certain way and tries to force us into those actions we have two choices. The first choice is to do nothing. We can alter our personal lives in such a way we are not in open defiance of the directive but in a way we are not in compliance either. This is a passive-aggressive position and will result in a stand-off or stalemate in which neither side wins.

As time goes on the pressures of this unresolved conflict will grow more and more serious. The consequences of continued non-compliance will also grow more severe. The ability of society to enforce the directive will decrease as time goes on. If we can resist long enough a solution will present itself that is favorable to us and agreeable to society. This solution will only come if it is forced through non-compliance and non-action.

During the days of prohibition the manufacture and consumption of alcohol were against the law. This law was not enforceable. Some people acted in open defiance of the law and others altered their life styles in a way that was not in open defiance. Some people made their own alcoholic beverages and kept it quiet. What they made was for their own personal consumption. They did not try to sell or market the product to the public. These people were for the most part ignored by those trying to enforce the law.

Law enforcement was directed at those individuals in open defiance of the law. They were after the bootleggers. They were after the ones that tried to sell directly to the public.

Many people suffered as attempts to enforce this law were made. Many good people lost their lives because of the enforcement of this law. It was finally realized this law was not enforceable and it was repealed.

To rebel and fight openly against society places one outside the law. It makes them criminals in the eyes of society. There is an invisible line that must never be crossed. If the line is crossed the person becomes an outlaw and will never be able to regain the support of society.

The person that rebels in open defiance of society's directives runs the risk of crossing that line. The person that uses non-action and quiet defiance does not run that risk. This is the power of the passive-aggressive position.

A passive-aggressive position is powerful when dealing with social pressures but is not effective in dealing with individuals. A passive-aggressive position taken with individuals will increase the likelihood of more struggle and personal abuse. It will weaken our position in life.

A confrontational and openly defiant position is powerful in dealing with individuals but not in dealing with society. Each time we successfully confront situations and individuals about personal concerns we become empowered through those actions. Each time we act in open defiance of social directives our position is weakened.

This may sound cruel and heartless but let others act in open defiance of unjust laws and social pressures. Let others prove to society the laws are unjust and un-enforceable. Do not become involved because it will severely weaken your position in life and your ability to attain your goals.

In the same manner never use passive-aggressive behaviors when dealing with individuals. Never allow someone to make a decision that should have been yours to make. Never give away your power to another individual and expect that individual to use that power in your own best interests. Confront each situation squarely and consistently as it arises.

Your disagreements with society and its social pressures should retain a hazy and nebulous quality that will prevent society from making an example out of you by centering all of its negative force on you as an individual. Deliberately draw those situations out indefinitely because you can not win. With the passing of time your position will become stronger when the situation is finally forced into a resolution. It will at some point be forced into a resolution.

Disagreements with individuals should be clear and definite. Each person should know exactly where the other stands. Each personal conflict should be resolved as soon as it is humanly possible. The longer interpersonal disagreements last the more personal energy and power you lose. With the passing of time your position is weakened and respect is lost.

Self esteem and respect for each individual are maintained at their highest when difficulties are confronted as soon as possible. Respect and self esteem are lost when unsatisfactory conditions are allowed to exist for any length of time.

You should be able to alter your behavior and use the techniques appropriate for your personal position at any given time.

The support of society is tremendous when taken advantage of and should not be lightly thrown away or ignored. Social approval, popularity and fame are bestowed on those that have harmonized personal goals with society's goals.

In all cases we are rewarded for appropriate behavior and punished for inappropriate behavior. There are social consequences to every action in our lives.

We must learn to do what works and give up doing what doesn't work. We must fit into our social structure in a harmonious way that is a win-win situation. We must realize society is stronger than we are. Only then can we adjust our behavior in ways that will still achieve our goals but not make us outlaws.

We must strive to do this while retaining personal self esteem and respect for the individual rights of others. When we do this society also benefits. Society gradually rewards us with positions of increasing influence and our ability to achieve personal goals gradually increases. In this manner everyone wins and everyone remains true to their own inner nature. Everyone remains honest and true to both personal values and social values.

When we do this we will gradually be given our true and proper place within the body of humanity whether it be toes, fingers or eyes.

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