Thursday, June 15, 2006
Chapter 1C-Concrete Spiritual Energy
This energy forms our "soul" body. While Abstract Spiritual energy is concerned with experiences of "Unity" this energy is associated with intuitive insights and answers to questions that go beyond what is possible with the mind alone. In meditation we percieve "Truth". In addition to forming the "soul" body this energy forms archetypal concepts. Anything a person can envision or experience and remember as an ideal is created with this energy.
The characteristic that marks experiences with this energy is the perfect solution that intuitively and suddenly presents itself. An answer spontaneously comes to us and it is the perfect answer in every way imaginable. It is possible to train ourselve to be strong in this type of perception. It's also called "thinking outside of the box!
As we develop this energy we gain intuitive knowledge of our true mission in life. We understand why we are living the way we are and how we can change our lives to achieve our goals.
The intuitive insights and answers that come to us as we develop this energy are commonly called communications from our higher self or soul. They are inspired answers and insights to our problems that come at exactly the right time and place. They are the "hunches" that we follow and somehow they just feel right for us.
We generate this energy through creative problem solving that forces us time and again to come up with intuitive answers. Each "aha" experience becomes easier for us with experience and we develop an intuitive understanding of ourselves, our world, and the entire universe. This is a form of "cosmic awareness" that has also been called "Christ Consciousness".
When we develop this ability we become "Christs". Jesus attained this level of consciousness and was called a "Christ". There are currently thousands of individuals in the world that have developed this ability in themselves. It is attained when our personal belief system or paradigm is entirely individual and integrated. As this energy is developed we resolve conflicting areas of our lives and integrate them into a harmonious whole.
When we do this we find alternate ways of doing things and often are persecuted by others that insist upon corporate and social conformity. They fear personal freedom and call upon external authority to curb and control us. They don't want anyone rocking the boat!
The development of this energy gives "luck" to the person that has it. The developed magnetic charm and appeal appear as a person extremely lucky in whatever they do. By responding to intuitive hunches they act in creative non-traditional ways and avoid many of the harmful things in life that afflict others.
The troubles and sorrows in life seem to slide off this person like water off a duck's back. These people lead a charmed life and are highly likable. They are very curious and get into a lot of trouble but always seem to find a way to get themselves out of it unscathed.
Tags: adventure, books, ebooks, books on line, survivalism, relationships, self help, spirituality, occult, astral travel, serialadventures, self improvement, opinion
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