Friday, March 31, 2006


Chapter 2 Taking Risks-Physical Mastery

In the final stage our actions are no longer hindered by emotions. We are skilled and proficient at encountering and creatively resolving challenging situations. Through the long and difficult process of trial and error we have become resourceful and look forward to the next challenge and the rewards it may bring. This is the stage of personal mastery. Our reserves of creative power in moments of crisis automatically take over and do what is needed to deal with the situation in a successful manner. Our Master Within will instinctively guide our physical actions in ways that keep negative situations from arising. We act with a keen awareness of our physical environment and are deeply sensitive to the possibilities that exist within each moment.

Not one moment is wasted or spent uselessly in counterproductive efforts.

The Master must have first passed through each of the previous stages. They have at some point risked and risked again. They have been a victim in the spiritual stage; learned from repeated mistakes in the mental stage; became friends with the condition of lead feet, pounding heart and the inability to breathe in the emotional stage and resolutely gone ever forward to physical mastery. Let us ask again if the phrase "no pain, no gain" applies to the spiritual path and the path of self mastery. Is it worth personal discomfort to take the harder path? Is the reward worth the greater effort? I guess each one of us must answer this question individually as we come to it.

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