Thursday, March 16, 2006


Chapter 1 Developing Charisma-Fueling our Dreams

We monitor the development of these energies through our dreams. If we are living intensely enough our dreams will be vivid and empowering. If we are not living intensely our dreams will relflect a weakening as we loose ground.

Dream life is a form of astral work that reflects physical life. When we are happy and empowered in our dreams we are happy and empowered in our physical lives. Each dream involves a specific type of astral energy and represents our development in that particular energy. When something is wrong or threatening there is a weakness we must confront or it will act to destroy us.

It is important we remember our dreams and learn the symbolic language that our "inner self" uses to communicate with us. This symbolic language is personal and one dream image will mean different things to different people. Dream dictionaries are not helpful.

Each dream is either the creation of a new energy connection between people and issues or the severance of an old connection. By this I mean each dream episode is connected to the next in the same way our thoughts are connected to each other. During each dream the energy generated during the day flows through astral cords and is released. The release of this energy creates the movement within the dream itself. If we gained energy the dream will be empowering. If we loose energy the dream will be threatening.

By living an intense life we can ensure that our dreams will be empowered ones. This empowerment will be relfected in our physical lives.

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