Monday, April 30, 2007
The Path of Love
It does not matter where you start because you must always start in the present moment and continue by living in the present moment. Your present moment is unique and different from that of anyone else. There will never be a better time or place for you to begin…Start Now! Start anywhere you desire. The process works according to chaos theory and all effort is cumulative. You will draw a suitable partner to yourself through magnetic attraction.
If you do this wrong and use the generation of sexual/bio-electrical energy in a conscious manner such as directed through sex magick practices expect dire results. You can not choose your true mate. Only the sexual/bio-electrical energy given total freedom can choose your true mate. Working with sexual energy is not about having sex with anyone indiscriminately. The universe will choose those partners whose energy will combine with your own and allow both of your souls to grow.
This path of love shall regenerate the world and it shall rejoice in true living. Each one of us has a vision of the true that belongs only to us. Thus we all have some small portion of the truth. Remember there is a half we may never know because it belongs to our true mate. This is true even in the understanding of this message. The true implications may only be guessed at. You will recognize the true when you meet it.
Generate sexual/bio-electrical energy often. Realize there are two paths of love. The path of the serpent is when the sexual/bio-electrical energy does not rise within you. This is the path of nature that produces physical children and family. The path of the Dove does not produce physical children but astral children instead. The sexual/bio-electrical energy is forced up the spine. Both paths are different and both paths will bring the final result but both paths will not bring the same experiences. Choose well. There are infinite possibilities within the present moment. Both are worthy.
Joy and ecstasy are within your grasp. I ask only that you truly live and experience life in its fullness! In following this path there is also a way to love the ordeals as well as the rewards. All of life is meant to be experienced. Drink deeply. It is when this finally happens that you are truly alive! Then all is love and all is ecstasy. This is the love of life loving itself.
Breathe deeply and drink deeply of love and life and explore all of its possibilities. Love every minute! All things are possible! Seek them, always seek them! Remember that possibilities and opportunities both come and go. Teachers come and go. Do not seek to hold on to the past. Do not destroy that which has been built through love.
Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!
Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?
Foundations Technorati Tags : survivalism, relationships, self, help, spirituality, occult, self, improvement, opinion, health, fitness, xtreme, sports
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Sexuality, Soul Development and the Intelligence of Life
The core of sex magickal practice is described below. As male and female energy combine a new energy is formed that gives birth to enhanced psychic abilities. Through the generation of sexual energy the soul grows one astral body at a time until our soul is balanced. We give the needed opposite sex energy to our partner and they in turn give us the energy we need. This energy exchange creates the spark of romance and love between two people.
There are important differences between energy generated by males and energy generated by females. It exists at the cellular level where an XY chromosome creates a different energy than a XX chromosome.
To the male belongs the sperm and to the female belongs the egg. Generate this energy and raise the sexual/bio-electrical energy to the crown and third eye centers. This is a form of tantric sex that will open the infinite possibilities unto those that practice these ways. Many paths use different techniques for the same thing.
The secret is in the continued sacred generation of sexual/bio-electrical energy through foreplay as long as possible and causing pre-orgasmic energy to flood the body. It is this sacred sexual/bio-electrical energy that will find the proper pathway. It can not be found in a conscious way through conscious awareness but remains secret and hidden from awareness. There are no formulas or techniques.
It is through our sexuality that we discover who we are and what we are meant to do in life. In searching for the “infinite possibilities” within the present moment, all things are possible. Be open to all things and all experiences. Don’t refuse opportunities. This path takes much longer than one might expect.
Whoever is open to all experience becomes a leader! All things are possible! The living life force within our bodies does not lie to us. Sexuality and the sharing of sexual love is divine in every way. It is this energy that causes our souls to grow and our psychic senses to develop. Love opens our hearts.
The intelligence of the life force and sexual/bio-electrical energy will find the proper path when your physical body is in ecstasy and fills to over flowing. Let this moment never end! Live forever in the present moment! Leave it only to find it again and come back to it once more in its sweetness. There are undreamed of things to experience if we allow it.
It is in the creation of the new secret path that joy is found. The great pain of its creation in aloneness is matched by an even greater joy in being together! Make your own path and don’t worry about any one else. Nobody has the same path. Have courage!
Seek out the “infinite possibilities” within the present moment through the sacred generation of sexual/bio-electrical energy above all other things. The joys it will bring are far more than the pain it will cause. This sacred energy will seek out what it is you truly desire and manifest it to you. This is a sacred promise. The sexual/bio-electrical energy must find its own way within each person. We can only say the generation of sexual/bio-electrical energy is required. This gift is freely given to all.
The sexual/bio-electrical energy will find its true path for your inner happiness and joy. Don’t try to force it consciously or it will become a curse. Learn to trust and go with the flow. Follow the magnetic attraction of love in all its ways.
Believe in your body and trust it. Any other path and restriction will make your life a living hell. This practice is a form of chaos theory and will not be restricted. All inputs a valid and all energy is cumulative. You will only have one "soul mate" at a time. Choose no other.
Most people are bound together and hating each other. Don’t let this happen to you. When you follow the sexual/bio-electrical energy and the possibilities that open to it, there is nothing that can stop you or stand in your way.
The generation of the sexual/bio-electrical energy or pure life force has its own intelligence and will to live. It represents pure will not consciously directed toward any goal. You will be drawn to the right person and will teach each other what is needed. Each relationship has a beginning and an end. When the growth is gone the spark is gone as well. There is no more to teach each other.
When you follow this perfect path and your true mate follows this perfect path you will magnetically find each other and your lives will be as one. You are both opposites and can never know each other but you can allow each other full blossom and love and ecstasy by this path of perfect balance. This is not a path of casual sex or one night stands. They are an abomination. This is a path for the one that is right for you in the present moment.
The secret key of this law is the yin/yang symbol. You are only one half of that symbol and can only ever be one half of it. The other half belongs to your true mate. You may never know each other but you can live, love, and have awareness of each other without conflict if you follow this path of balancing out to nothing.
Nothing is perfect and makes everything fit together. Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus is saying much the same thing. You and your mate are growing in opposite directions but meeting at this point in time. Rejoice in the time that you do have. It is sacred. It will not stay the same and it will not last beyond its allotted time.
Your true mate has one half of what you need and desire. Your need and desire is countered in your true mate by an equal need and desire in the opposite direction. When you need and desire nothing you can stand side by side as true mates experiencing the fullness of each other.
Each person must find their own way through the generation of their own sexual/bio-electrical energy. Each must fulfill their own law. Each must find their own true mate. Each must decide how long they choose to be together.
Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!
Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?
Foundations Technorati Tags : survivalism, relationships, self, help, spirituality, occult, self, improvement, opinion, health, fitness, xtreme, sports
Monday, April 16, 2007
Free Living
It is time to become a true individual. It is time to become a God or a Goddess living in a free world. From your own unique perspective in this present moment behold the infinite opportunities that lie around you waiting to be chosen. It doesn't matter who or what you are. This message is the same for everyone.
In essence at our cores we are all simply photons or sparks of light that have evolved. We are all part of the same photon or spark of light as it manifests in different places and in different times throughout the universe. The unity of light binds us together.
Call upon your primal instinct and will to live in order to understand this message. It is the message of a warrior. Embrace the present moment as a sacred moment of infinite possibilities with all of your heart, mind and soul. Listen to this message and these words.
It is the "infinite possibilities" that are important, not the "present moment". Worship the "infinite possibilities" and they will open to you. Those that seek the "infinite possibilities" within the present moment rule over those that do not. Most people are falsely trapped within the present moment. They are fools!
Come out and play as a child in the delights of the present moment as it unfolds before you in all it's wonder and glory! Love, Joy, Rapture and ecstasy are infectious. Your happiness as you do this will be felt and shared by all things.
Love the spirit of life that flows through your veins and that flows through every moment of your life. Live and rejoice! You and your true mate will stand as God and Goddess. Rulers of the spirit and of the animal nature embracing each other as you embrace life in all it's manifestations and levels. You will be an example and in sharing your joy with others the human race will rejoice. For the two of you are true opposites joined in love.
Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!
Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?
Foundations Technorati Tags : survivalism, relationships, self, help, spirituality, occult, self, improvement, opinion, health, fitness, xtreme, sports
Saturday, April 07, 2007
The Present Moment
Each one of us is a point of awareness living in our own present moments with individual possibilities available to us at any given point in time. What is available to us is unique and not available to anyone else. It consists of our personal beliefs, experiences and memories as well as our distinct physical and genetic makeup. We do not share these things with anyone else.
We are all living in the same universe and it is very much as if each point of individual awareness were a star in the night sky with it’s own location and orbit.
Each one of us can see a portion of the universe from a totally unique perspective that can never be seen or understood by anyone else no matter how similar his or her own view is. They are simply not us. We are not them.
The present moment is our time. Tomorrow will always be tomorrow and yesterday will always be yesterday. The ghosts of the past and the ghosts of the future can never be reached or experienced. If we don't have the ability to live in the present moment and take joy in it we never will find joy. Any answer we ever seek will only be found in the present moment. Any action that will lead to success will only be taken in the present moment. If we don't act in the present moment we have already lost.
Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!
Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?
Foundations Technorati Tags : survivalism, relationships, self, help, spirituality, occult, self, improvement, opinion, health, fitness, xtreme, sports