Saturday, December 23, 2006


Chapter 16 OAK Energy Ball Meditation Part 4


By the time you are able to move the energy ball down into the solar plexus area you will notice something very disturbing. The energy ball will go down quite easily but will tend to get "stuck" when you try to raise it back up! Some people have noticed this at the throat chakra.

This indicates a deeply rooted emotional trauma that is not easily released. It is like a time bomb of toxic energy inside us waiting to go off. The best thing to do is to not force things and gently work the energy ball up and down the spine several times. Each time the energy ball rises up the spine little slivers or splinters of "black" energy will be released.

Work past the deeply buried problem area and the energy will release itself. This will probably happen as a spontaneous release of emotional weeping. As an example I was working through some childhood issues when suddenly I was overwhelmed by feelings of emotional abandonment I had experienced as a child and repressed as too painful to remember. That toxic energy had been trapped in my physical body since I was a child.

After two hours of emotional sobbing and releasing the energy I felt better than I ever had in my life. Something bad in my life was no longer there. It had been released. If this energy had not been released it would have been released in knee-jerk psychotic behaviors beyond my conscious control. This is what I mean by safely releasing the energy and working the energy ball from the top down.

This also stresses the importance of developing the energy ball as a safe area for your awareness to retreat to if it has to. From the mental perspective it is easier to deal with these emotional time-bombs we all have within us. It allows us to remain in control and "safely" experience and release that which must be experienced and released.


Continue moving the energy ball downward until it can move freely from the base of the spine to the top of the head without any restrictions or releases of "black" energy. When this has been accomplished your entire body will be phase locked with the spiritual energy source above your head.

"Spiritual energy" can now circulate freely throughout your entire body making small adjustments to increase your health and vitality. Emotional, sexual, and physical energy still can't circulate freely because they are denser and much slower. They require much more purification. Still, now this can be safely done. The inner circuits already opened will act as emergency relief valves when pockets of denser "black" energy are activated and released.


After moving the energy ball completely up and down the spine without resistance try forcing it downward toward the center of the earth. This will tap into more "black" energy that is surrounding your environment. By releasing this energy into your awareness you are defusing potentially dangerous situations by gaining awareness of them and neutralising the charge they carry.

This earth energy will activate more "black" energy within your body and shake it loose so you can get rid of it. As long as your energy ball is "phase locked" with the spiritual power source all released "black" energy will go upward until it comes into conscious awareness where it can be dealt with safely and harmlessly. In AA this is termed turning things over to a "Higher Power". We are using the energy ball to do this in a more mechanical way.

There is a power point where your feet touch the earth. Create an energy ball at this point and work with it as before. There are nine chakra points. Seven are within the body. One is just above the top of the head and one is where the feet touch the earth.

At some point you will be able to effortlessly move the energy ball deep within the earth and raise it upward as high as possible until it disappears into the "spiritual" light. Doing this will draw earth energy up into your body as a second power source. It will also create a collumn of light that goes from your spiritual power source down into the center of the earth to connect with your earth power source.

This will establish a strong two way current within your physical body and anchor both power sources in a way that will make them constantly open and active. This ensures rapid growth and development as all parts of your body and psyche begin to "phase lock" together.

Only at this point is it safe to work will the strong physical and sexual energies in any serious manner.

For all practical purposes this completes the "lesser" work and begins the work of working with the dense earth energies. It took about six months for me to do. I have done it with groups of people in two hours. Working as a group makes the process much easier because you are able to draw on other groups members for help through the tough spots.

With the opening of these channels added energy flows through the body as the result of both solar and lunar influences. Now these powerful cycles are adding their energy with yours and individual progress is greatly accelerated.

When completed this meditation creates a permanent change within the energy channels of the physical body. It opens and releases blocked areas. I have done this with over thirty people in different group settings with the same results and feedback.

It is the most powerful way that I know of to open the major energy channels within the body. It is also the fastest and safest.

In Masonry the "Royal Arch Degree" symbolizes what this meditation does. The mason is searching for the lost word and treasure. Among the ruins of an old building they excavate and find a hidden chamber. Beneath that chamber lies another chamber and beneath that yet another. Depending upon the variation of masory there are seven or nine chambers that must be excavated to reach the bottom and find the lost word.

This meditation uses nine chambers, the seven within the physical body,one above the body and one beneath the body. It connects these chambers with two sources of cosmic power. Spiritual Light is tapped into as high into the light as possible to reach. We lift the energy ball into the light until the toxic energy it carries is released.

The second source of cosmic power lies at the center of the earth. We draw that up into our lives for increased health and empowerment.

Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?

Foundations Technorati Tags : survivalism, relationships, self, help, spirituality, occult, self, improvement, opinion, health, fitness, xtreme, sports

Friday, December 15, 2006


Chapter 16 OAK Energy Ball Meditation Part 3


This step completes the construction of the basic "energy ball" used in the remaining steps. After visualizing the energy ball as described in the first four steps you have integrated the energy of the crown chakra and third eye chakra. These have formed a large ball of energy that is surrounding the entire head.

Now visualize a second energy ball located on the thyroid glands in the center of the throat. Spin the energy ball to help stabalize it. As before merge this second energy ball with the large one to create an even larger energy ball.

This is more difficult than the earlier steps because of the sheer size of the visualization. The finished ball extends above the head a little and includes the throat area. The "phase locking" sensation may be more difficult to sense. Keep working at it until you sense all of the energies blending together. This may even seem like a fog of energy that surrounds you.

After the ability is gained to easily create this large "phase locked" energy ball there are several ways to strengthen it. My choice is to mentally rotate it from the top of the head forward like a ball rolling in front of me. This helps to stabilize and strengthen it.

At this point you have an energy ball made up of four different energies that have "synchronized" together as harmonics or octaves of each other. They are locked together in a "phase locked" circuit that resists change and seeks to maintain itself. Your point of awareness should be able to easily move anywhere within this ball moving from one type of energy to another.

When this point is reached there will be a permanent change taking place in your awareness. These energies will begin to bleed through into each other and open blocked energy pathways.

Your entire day will be filled with one "insight" after another in a way that is truly incredible. Your mental processes are going through a complete overhaul as you fine tune and perfect your personal belief system.
Illuminations will fill in the missing pieces for you and you will gain many useful understandings.

This "locking" together of these energies is a wonderful thing and will begin the process of regeneration within your physical body. Parts of your psyche will begin to fit together as never before.


After you have perfected the basic energy ball it is time to start working with it in a deliberate and conscious manner. Your awareness can reside in this energy ball. In a way this energy ball is a type of astral vehicle for your awareness. We are going to use it to open the blocked energy pathways within the body.

This energy ball is your "safe" area where you can safely come to terms with "buried" and repressed emotional baggage and trapped "black" energy. In this safe area you bring this "black" energy under conscious control. You begin by working from the top downward one layer at a time.

After forming the energy ball try to raise it as high into the spiritual light as you can. From this point on always attempt this contact with the "light" because it is your energy source. Feel your mind and awareness rise as if it is in an elevator as you raise the energy ball into the light. Move the energy ball up and down and feel your awareness move up and down with it.

Next try forcing the energy ball down the spine. Because the rest of the body is not "synchronized" there will be resistance and it will not want to go very far. Make this attempt at least three times before quitting. After the third try raise the ball as high as it will go toward your "energy source". Your energy ball will have accumulated "dark" energy and need to be purified in the light.

As the energy ball comes in contact with repressed "black" energy it grabs the black energy like a magnet. This black energy will cling to the energy ball. Only moving the energy ball back up into the light will release the black energy.

This is important because your downward efforts have loosened quite a bit of "black" energy and brought it to your awareness in a shocking manner. The spiritual or light energy helps to dissolve and neutralize the "black" energy keeping you soundly in control of those waves of emotion that will begin to wash over you.

This simple practice will release incredible amounts of trapped emotional energy allowing it to be used for other purposes. It is possible to intensify the experience by taking a deep breath and holding it while both raising the ball and forcing it downward against the resistance. Try it first without holding your breath. When you have done as much as you can move to this next step. Take your time. This may take several sessions.

The method I used was to inhale, hold my breath and mentally push the energy ball downward. Then I would exhale and inhale and exhale normally before repeating. This practice of holding the breath as long as comfortable is extremely powerful because it forces oxygen into the blood and then into the brain. It can easily cause dizziness and should only be used with caution by those in excellent health.

Even if done only once a day this exercise will release "trapped" emotional energy throughout the entire day as spontaneous waves that suddenly wash over you. As a result you will be very preoccupied with your personal growth and healing process. It will be a highly disruptive period but a very productive one.

As I was working through some of my "black" energy I felt what I was doing was the most important thing I had ever done in my life. I was freeing myself from past karma that had held me back my entire life. It was also the most exciting thing I had ever done and was very intense. I could feel the power that was flowing through me!

Early Christians called this type of experience taking away your sins or freeing yourself from your sins. They had their own method of releasing this trapped emotional energy.

Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!

Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?

Foundations Technorati Tags : survivalism, relationships, self, help, spirituality, occult, self, improvement, opinion, health, fitness, xtreme, sports

Monday, December 04, 2006


Chapter 16-OAK Energy Ball Mediation Part 2


After visualizing a stable rotating ball of energy about four inches above your head, begin to visualize a second ball of energy surrounding the pineal gland in the center of the brain. This will directly stimulate the pineal gland. Simply forget about the first ball of energy and let it be. Turn your focus on creating a ball of energy right in the center of the brain.

Do the same thing as before mentally rotating it to help the energy stabalize. You may feel a strange sensation in your head as you are doing this. Increased blood flow is going to your brain. When this ball of energy is stablized go back to the first ball of energy that is above your head and refresh it.

At first it will be difficult to visualize two energy balls at the same time. Rapidly switch awareness from one to the other until both are visualized at the same time.
Continue this until both energy balls can be visualized quickly and easily. Each ball of energy is created out of a different type of energy.


With both energy balls clearly visualized try to mentally force them together into one big energy ball. At first they will resist going together because the energy is not "synchronized". It will seem like trying to push two balloons together. You will sense the resistance. Be persistent and keep trying until both energy balls merge together into one larger energy ball.

When the energy balls do finally merge together into one big energy ball there will be a definite shift of awareness that can be felt. The center of the big energy ball will have shifted toward the back of the head and it will feel as if half of it is protruding from the top and back of the head. Before this both balls were centered on and over the middle of the head.

Now it will feel like a basketball sized energy ball is half in your head and half outside the back of your head. This feeling will be very pronounced and definite.

Two types of energy are now synchronized together and working as "one" energy. Try to maintain this "locked together" visualization as long as possible. "Spiritual" energy is directing and fusing with pineal gland energy and stimulating all of the endocrine glands in a beneficial way. The pineal gland is the master gland of the body and will begin to work with the spiritual energy and distribute it throughout the physical body.

This begins the process of physical rejuvenation and increased health with all of the glands "synchronized" and working together.


After successfully visualizing the big energy ball, visualize a second energy ball centered directly behind the eyebrows where the pituitary gland or "third eye" is located. Forget about the big energy ball and focus on the new energy ball rotating it as before until it is stable.

When this is clearly visualized try to merge the two energy balls together. As before they will resist at first but when they do merge there will be a definite shift of awareness toward the center of the head. The combined energy ball will be much larger and fit around the head like a fishbowl.

A distinct awareness of a very large energy ball that extends around the head will result. With this experience will come the absolute certainty that the pituitary and pineal glands are "phase locked" together with the third "spiritual" energy. This is the formation of a resonant circuit within the brain itself! It will try to maintain itself through the day. This is the reason for the incredible gains of this method.

The "phase locked" condition also causes the "master glands" to work together more closely than ever before. This alters the operation of the endocrine glands in a more harmonious way causing subtle changes throughout the entire body and releasing trapped "black" energy.

A few successful attempts will result in a permanent change with all three types of energy "phase locked" together. At first it was hard to merge them. Now it will be hard to seperate them from each other.

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Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?

Anarchist Knight:Apprentice is a fiction story based upon survivalism values and principles. Survivalism is not fiction! It is real and the challenges we face in today's world require self empowerment training. This ebook is available as a download!

OAK:Foundations-a serialadventure gives the basics for modern survivalism and self empowerment techniques. Empower yourself today!

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